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I don't think we'd be wise to trade a ton of players for him, and I also don't think that he would sign an extension here, even a huge one, if we did trade for him.

I'd rather hope that over the next year and a half we scrape back towards being relevant and then have a shot to bring in either Fielder or Gonzalez to a massive free agent deal. The money would be the same as if we extended them and we wouldn't lose 4-5 important pieces that we'll need to get back to being relevant.

If we had played at close to a .500 level like we expected this year, then I think trading a big package of players for Fielder or Gonzalez would be justifiable (w/ an extension). But given the step back we've taken, I don't think it's a good use of resources right now.

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Trading for a guy less than two years away from free agency with the level of prospects it would take and the gaping distance from where we need to be is moronic. It is purely moronic. Spare me the crap about this will help us getting better, because it will only do so in the short term. Fielder is not going to solve what ails this team, and trading the farm for him isn't going to help things. There is zero guarantee he will sign an extension, and if he doesn't it's an automatic no.

Beyond that, Fielder is not coming here.

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Trading for a guy less than two years away from free agency with the level of prospects it would take and the gaping distance from where we need to be is moronic. It is purely moronic. Spare me the crap about this will help us getting better, because it will only do so in the short term. Fielder is not going to solve what ails this team, and trading the farm for him isn't going to help things. There is zero guarantee he will sign an extension, and if he doesn't it's an automatic no.

Beyond that, Fielder is not coming here.


Come on man!! MASN MONEY!!! We can print more money than the US Government.

MASN MONEY!!! We can totally afford Fielder!!!


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What about getting Adam Dunn once his contract is up? Any chance that could occur? That wouldn't cost any young talent.
If he will agree to play DH, he's my #1 target this offseason.

If he insists on playing LF or 1B, I wouldn't even consider him.

Anyone who says they would let him play in the field simply doesn't understand how incredibly awful his defense really is. He literally loses over $10M in value with his glove. He very well may be the single worst defensive player in the entire history of Major League Baseball.

I'd love to have his bat at DH and would pay handsomely to get him here, but under no circumstances would I agree for him to play 1B or LF. He's a -2 to -3 WAR defender. That's so bad you'd have to think he's actually trying to come up with new ways to screw up plays. No lie I think there are multiple people on my BSSC Softball team that would do a better job playing 1B than Adam Dunn can.

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Come on man!! MASN MONEY!!! We can print more money than the US Government.

MASN MONEY!!! We can totally afford Fielder!!!


There is no doubt that we can absolutely afford a huge deal for Prince Fielder.

What we can't afford, is a huge deal for Prince Fielder and several other big deals to replace with free agents the 4-5 young players that we'd need to trade to get him.

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While I don't think it could happen, I would deal for Fielder in a deal like Jtrea has said...which is a deal based around Tillman and Guthrie.

If we could do that, then I am trading for Fielder...Worst case scenario is that we end up with 2 draft picks and likely one of them being a first round pick since he would likely sign with a big money, winning team, who would be picking in the bottom half of the first round.

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