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Red Sox/Padres Talking AGon Trade (UPDATE: Trade done)


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Why because we are going to extend him like the Sox are extending Gonzalez?

They wouldn't give up that much if they couldn't extend him.

The Red Sox would give up that much...because they can...Because he fills a need and their depth is great.

The Red Sox also know that they can bring a player to their winning environment and get them to stay because they also have the money to do it.

That being said, the Brewers aren't going to settle for your package of players. They can get more than that from a lot of teams.

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Boston gave up their #1(Kelly),3 (Rizzo), and 6 (Fuentes) prospects. Going by our minors board, the Orioles equivalent would be Machado, Hoes, and Klein. Would you have made that trade if you could get an extension signed with Gonzalez?


But this deal was sealed as soon as Hoyer took over in San Diego. Boston's former scouting director is Hoyer's assistant GM as well. This was a match made in heaven.

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This is amazing. Every team is completing trades,signing players, and we sit AS USUAL, waiting on that big power hitter that wants to come to a terrible team, and demand millions less than everyone else is getting.

I now know that this is the master plan to being with. I don't understand why you silence out the media, sit on your hands, wait for Dunn, soon to be Konerko, AGon, soon to be Beltre, probably Pena, and everyone else with a pulse be signed, before you actually even make a d@mn call. Peter Angelos is pathetic, and Andy McFail is even worse. I guess the plan by completely keeping the fans in the dark, is because the front office's light are off also.

Each year, I actually think things will be diffrent, but then when the first tier free agents get signed, and then the second tier free agents get signed, and when the smoke clears, and all that's left is has beens, or never was' players, we are left to sift through trash. Here's a clue Andy, get out the 'ol pooper scooper.

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So, let's say the Sox replace Beltre and VMart with Gonzalez and Saltalamacchia. Isn't that pretty much a wash? (Considering Beltre's 2010 numbers, not what he is likely to do next year.)

I dunno, Gonzalez will be phenomenal for them... but I'm not sure he and Salty will be that much better than Beltre and VMart were this year.

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The irony here is many of the people complaining about this are also the same people that think offering arbitration to Koji and Millwood was a bad idea..or that we should pour all of our money and resources into the ML team.

The reason Boston was able to make this deal is because of the depth in their system and the fact that they are an immediate contender.

The Orioles could make a deal like this but it would hurt their depth and because they aren't smart enough to offer arb and/or acquire guys that should be worth a pick or 2, they continue to sit back and watch other teams around them get better.

The reason for that is they are just not nearly as smart as other teams and not willing to do what it takes to get the depth needed.

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Boston gave up their #1(Kelly),3 (Rizzo), and 6 (Fuentes) prospects. Going by our minors board, the Orioles equivalent would be Machado, Hoes, and Klein. Would you have made that trade if you could get an extension signed with Gonzalez?

Maybe they wanted MLB ready pitching. Britton, Bell, Hernandez, and Hoes doesn't come close to getting that deal done? If he had to be Machado, Hoes, and Klein then I would probably have made the deal as well. Even if Machado ends up being a Ramirez type he is likely to be a third baseman as he grows. Getting Gonzalez, Beltre, and trading for a shortstop could really make us a much better team.

If we are going to get one guy then I say pass on this deal. If we are going to get multiple players with great upside then make it happen. If I were the Orioles I would be going hard after Beltre and one of the available first baseman. Reynolds isn't free as he is due something like $23M over the next three years. That is about a two thirds of the money required to get Beltre over the same period. Add a nice player for first and then maybe we are making some progress. Time to start making some things happen.

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Guest rochester

Being a Baltimore Orioles fan is analogous to being the 98-lb weakling on the beach surrounded by tough guys that laugh at us. Every once in awhile we get up the nerve to attempt to stand up when the others kick sand in our faces and push us down...hard. Even Toronto is starting to hang out with them a bit. I do not believe that we could have gotten AGon but this is turning into a hysterical offseason. We are pinning our hopes on a sub-Mendoza and a guy that's old enough to have hair growing out of his ears....and the biggest bully (MFYs) haven't even begin to buy.

If the Sawx get CC - AGon and CC is not a bad winter.:rolleyes:

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I just saw on ESPN that the Sox and the Padres agreed to a deal in principle to send Gonzalez to Bean Town in exchange for Reymond Fuentes, Anthony Rizzo, and Casey Kelley.

I don't know too much about the quality of the prospects that the Sox are apparently giving up, but comparitively speaking, what do you guys think we would have had to put together for an equal offer?

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I just saw on ESPN that the Sox and the Padres agreed to a deal in principle to send Gonzalez to Bean Town in exchange for Reymond Fuentes, Anthony Rizzo, and Casey Kelley.

I don't know too much about the quality of the prospects that the Sox are apparently giving up, but comparitively speaking, what do you guys think we would have had to put together for an equal offer?

I personally think we should have & easily couldhavebeaten that deal.

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The irony here is many of the people complaining about this are also the same people that think offering arbitration to Koji and Millwood was a bad idea..or that we should pour all of our money and resources into the ML team.

The reason Boston was able to make this deal is because of the depth in their system and the fact that they are an immediate contender.

The Orioles could make a deal like this but it would hurt their depth and because they aren't smart enough to offer arb and/or acquire guys that should be worth a pick or 2, they continue to sit back and watch other teams around them get better.

The reason for that is they are just not nearly as smart as other teams and not willing to do what it takes to get the depth needed.

It's more than just not being smart, which lord knows they aren't, it's also because the O's are still just too damned frugal and cheap. Combined you end up with a cellar dweller, young arms like Matusz, Arrieta, et. al. notwithstanding.

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