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It's Done: Cliff Lee to the National League - Signs with Phils


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They're in trouble because they're old, and because the Red Sox have gotten better this winter.

No, I understand that, it's mostly directed at the absurd way in which they run their team. They almost need to have the top player every year just to maintain. It's like watching a drug addict waiting for his next fix.

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No, I understand that, it's mostly directed at the absurd way in which they run their team. They almost needto have the top player every year to maintain. It's like watching a drug addict waiting for his next fix.

Oh, you're right, and I can't even begin to understand it (sorry for misinterpreting a minute ago)...but I do know I'll enjoy watching its consequences come next season. Speaking of which...


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I'm glad someone finally told the Yankees to take their $$$$ and shove it. Nice to see that they are still players to whom money isn't everything. Cliff Lee has officially restored my faith in baseball.

On a side note,I'm really not any happier seeing Boston as the favorites now either. They basically bullied the smaller market teams as well, and are being lauded for it on ESPN and elsewhere. If they go all the way to win it next year, they did exactly what the Yankees did, bought their championship. I'm not going to celebrate one bully being told to stuff it while another one has fans that are still declaring they will be champions for the next six years.

Boston is truly no better than New York IMO.

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I said this in the thread in the MLB forum too, but this just makes the trade to Seattle last year seem even stranger, since the stated reason from Philly was that they were pretty sure he was going to walk as a free agent, and they had a better chance of extending Halladay.

Now it looks like they could have had Doc and Lee last year and extended both of them.

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So if someone makes a decision not solely on the basis of money, in your book he's an "idiot"? I hope I never encounter you in a dark alley.


I hope I never encounter someone in a dark alley who talks about encountering someone in a dark alley over a minor difference of opinion.

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