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Should Pie have plowed into Joba?


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Joba was blocking the plate, like he should have been, but had his back to Pie and Pie awkwardly tried to slide around him and was called out on the tag, and he was.

Should Pie had plowed into Joba? I say f--- yes. Buck should have reamed him for not doing it, IMO.

Agreed on all counts. Huge momentum swing back the &*^%%*&^%*ers' way there. Either slide well enough or cream the (&%#. So sick of it....

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Don't know what you're talking about. He did slide. At the last second Joba's foot moved in front of home plate and actually knocked Pies foot off course and off of home plate.

You can call that a slide if you want. I certainly wouldn't, and I doubt Buck would, either.

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That was a chance to make a statement and, as usual, the only statement we made was SSDD.

Take him out. Even if you're out you let the MFY's know that you are here to play.

Or that you are a moron who doesn't know how to slide, and instead needlessly risks injury to yourself and their player.

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If you wouldn't call that a slide then you obviously don't know what one is. Could he have gone stronger into the plate? Maybe. But he definitely slid. An odd play. Most pitchers don't do that. Joba's just dumb enough to look smart on that one.

It was a slide in the sense that his foot slid. No other part of him got low enough. He gets low, he scores.

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If you wouldn't call that a slide then you obviously don't know what one is. Could he have gone stronger into the plate? Maybe. But he definitely slid. An odd play. Most pitchers don't do that. Joba's just dumb enough to look smart on that one.

If that was a slide, it was the poorest one ive ever seen. When you Slide you are suppose to actually reach the base you are sliding into, not stop before you get there and do some kind of half stand up act.

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If you wouldn't call that a slide then you obviously don't know what one is. Could he have gone stronger into the plate? Maybe. But he definitely slid. An odd play. Most pitchers don't do that. Joba's just dumb enough to look smart on that one.

Jaba doesnt look smart there, Pie looks dumb.

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Stupid decision. Reynolds struck out anyway. Most of the time Pie is going to beat that play. He went right away on the wild pitch like he's supposed to. It was a strong carom off the backstop and it was a close play. He was only out because of a freak play. It was a good decision and a bad result. Pie also deserves credit for getting to third on Jones' hit to LF, a play that I couldn't believe ARod couldn't make. Of course, when the run doesn't score and your team wins, nobody talks about that one.

Sure he did some nice things. But you don't get credit if you can't finish. If he was stealing second and read the pitcher perfectly to get an amazing jump, it doesn't matter if the catcher makes a perfect throw and he is tagged out going in standing up.

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