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Logan Morrison


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Interesting that there was some negative things to say about Logan Morrison's personality. I've heard very similar things about Chris Coghlan as well. There's a story on the Internet about a feud he got into with a fan over his first career home run ball. Add Hanley Ramirez's issues to that, I'd hate to lump all Marlins players in the same boat, but they just don't seem like a nice team. What's that about?

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Interesting that there was some negative things to say about Logan Morrison's personality. I've heard very similar things about Chris Coghlan as well. There's a story on the Internet about a feud he got into with a fan over his first career home run ball. Add Hanley Ramirez's issues to that, I'd hate to lump all Marlins players in the same boat, but they just don't seem like a nice team. What's that about?
Could it be that their ownwer is a swindler? A jerk? He runs his team more like a plantation than a baseball team?
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Logan Morrison would be a fine addition. Problem is that short of including Machado, Schoop, Jones, Weiters or Britton the Orioles have NOTHING to offer. The Marlins are not going to take prospects who have not shown an ability to deliver for a guy like Morrison.

Agreed! Unless the Orioles are willing to trade talent for talent the Marlins are not going to make a deal with them. When you look at what other teams have to offer in return for Morrision if he were available, do you think they would accept anything but equitable talent???

Situations like this are very frustrating because based on their draft position year-in-year out the O's arguably "should" have the talent in the system to make a offer that would be considered without significantly downgrading their MiL talent base. But this is not the case. This is where the Orioles poor draft history negativly affects their ability to improve.

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I think you could get an additude discount. Clearly the guy is outspoken and not afraid to critisize his employer. How do you think PA will take it if LoMo becomes an O, and starts tearing the organization a new one for not investing in the product. He might be right...but PA is not gonna want to read that in the papers.

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While I agree that the Marlins might want to unload him and for less than value, the problem is that the Orioles would not be the only team looking to bargain shop. I suspect that the number of suitors will raise the price and I'm not sure we have the prospects that other organizations might be willing to give up.

He won't come cheap.

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I agree its unlikely that the Orioles will be the team that benefits from this situation. But, I think some are missing how crazy the Marlins are. This guy has the second best OPS on their team - it's effectively as though the Orioles sent Adam Jones to Norfolk. The quotes from Marlins management are bizarre - and include things like this from McKeon:

"Too many young guys come into the game today and think they've got it made. They're the darlings of the media and they want to run their mouth instead of tending to business. The record books are full of one- and two-year phenoms."

And this from their president - ""I never thought we'd see Logan hitting in the .240s," Beinfest said. "He's a much better hitter than he has showed."

Again - the guy has the second best OPS on their team - he is clearly taking care of business on the field. These quotes are trying to spin the demotion as a performance issue instead of what it really is - an organization sick of an outspoken player who won't tow the company line.

Unless something radical changes in the relationship, he's getting dealt this offseason and the return will be peanuts.

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