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Sounds like it may be Hospice


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Not trying to be morbid but I hope that he donates his body to science when he does pass on. I have to think that all those years at catcher involved a lot of head trauma and the researchers might be able to find causality.

I'm reading the New Historical Baseball Abstract and just finished the section where James suggests that the rules for blocking the plate were enforced the loosest in the early and mid 1980s (he says that Lance Parrish would actually stand five feet up the line and tackle the runner before the throw even arrived, which I assume is a slight exaggeration). If that really was the case, I could see it having to do with Carter's health issues.

Either way, though, this is terrible news.

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This is heart-crushing to me. I never even watched him play, but I know as a kid collecting baseball cards that his fro and big smile always made me happy. I also remember when I went to a York Revolution game and how happy I was to learn that Gary Carter was the manager of the team they were playing, the Long Island Ducks. Here's hoping for a miracle.

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