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Keith Law takes another shot at the O's


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I asked because on Wiki, it basically said the average Asian is around 3" shorter than the average american...the height was like 5'7".

I am not saying he won't be bigger than the average Asian person but how much can you EXPECT him to grow from here?

Either way, so what. I don't mind the gamble and whether Law was accurate or not is a seperate point from the basis of this thread.

People just need to get over the media poking fun at the Orioles and taking shots at them. They deserve it.

Yeah I know what you were getting at, I just remembered checking out these 2 a couple months ago and thought that they were a little taller than most of the Koreans I had seen recently, especially Ryu, he's like a giant over there. :)

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How much of a growth spurt can we expect out of an Asian pitcher?
Asian pitcher ≠ growth spurt

Wow, generalize much?. I guess you guys don't know too many Koreans.

Koreans are in the same range as Americans but maybe a slightly shorter on average. They are generally taller than most other Asian countries.


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Very true.

Back to Tony's point, all the new players in our organization have resumes of good-great work in baseball. I am going to lean their direction whenever a benefit of the doubt exists. Not that this is pointed to you, but what's in Law's resume that should make our ears perk up when he opines about anything O's related?

I personally judge all media personalities the same way -- by their track record. I'm less interested in Keith's personal opinion of the player than I am in hearing him relay thoughts from other GM's, int'l directors, etc. His resume may or may not indicate he is a good evaluator or talent. But he's nothing if not connected.

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Tell me if I'm wrong here.. but wasn't the general consensus that Reynolds at 3b was a mixed bag... he'd make some remarkable plays and then botch the routine ones?

Isn't that exactly what we saw this past season?

I thought the consensus of the board was that Law was off his rocker about him being a butcher, but maybe my memory fails me.

I am not sure I would consider his play at 3B even a mixed bag. He was pretty terrible.

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I thought the consensus of the board was that Law was off his rocker about him being a butcher, but maybe my memory fails me.

I am not sure I would consider his play at 3B even a mixed bag. He was pretty terrible.

Oh it was a mixed bag, a mixed bag of different awful things.

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Yeah, well, let's not pretend baseball writers are all-knowing, either. KC has still proven nothing, frankly neither has DC. Most pre-season 2011 previews had the Cardinals in the bottom half of their division and all of them had the D-backs as a low 70's win team. On the other hand, a solid plurality of writers had the A's winning the West (they finished with 74 wins) and the Twins (63 wins) winning the central.

This happens every year btw. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Not even Keith Law.

DD obviously believes that this kid is a ~3rd round draft talent for that kind of money. Also, I'm sure he has professional scouts that disagree with Keith Law and with Stotle. I don't think this is an exact science, and I don't think that $500k is that much of a risk.

I think your post kind of misses the point of the discussion. The complaint was Law is being unfairly critical, and Tony and others said the media will continue to act this way towards Baltimore until they win. For purposes of that discussion, it doesn't matter if the media "gets it right". We are solely talking about perception.

I don't know what professional scout would disagree with me, since my only expressed personal feelings about the kid are that I have no idea what kind of player he is or will be.

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Well if he really was a mid 6 figure guy I would think the O's could have a medical team figure out where he actually is in his physical growth and the range of likely outcomes. I would and I really doubt the O's didn't.

I would be shocked if Baltimore utilized medical teams to project the potential physical growth of an Asian teen.

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No one seems to have a clue about this kid, but eveyone seem sto have strong opinions about him. :laughlol:

Says the guy who attacks Law's view by claiming he's biased by his friends getting fired. Which of the reassigned scouts are close with Law, again?

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From today's KLaw chat...

Kyler (Columbus, OH)

Why do the Orioles continue to sign terrible washed up players?


Well, since the average age of Duquette hires is around 82...

dc (dc)

I'm confused by Duq's international strategy...is it just to sign every Asian with a pule and hope at least one of them doesn't suck?


Because it worked so well ten years ago in Boston!

Greg (Ellicott City)

Who reaches respectability first: Orioles or Astros?



Sorry I don't have a link. I was typing this from off my phone.

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I would be shocked if Baltimore utilized medical teams to project the potential physical growth of an Asian teen.

Now you have my interest. Why would it shock you??? I know these studies are available and useful. Is Baltimore alone in ignoring these studies or is all of baseball stupid when handing out money to kids?

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I thought the consensus of the board was that Law was off his rocker about him being a butcher, but maybe my memory fails me.

I am not sure I would consider his play at 3B even a mixed bag. He was pretty terrible.

Well, is it really a stretch for both to be true? He makes some remarkable plays, and botches some routine ones. Considering that routine plays by their definition happen at a higher rate, create more opportunities for mistakes, might have some conclude you're a butcher at that position? Does it matter what the reference point is? I mean compared to Beltre is one thing, to the league average might be entirely different.

Did you watch the majority of games last season? If so, would you express Reynolds as being a butcher at 3b?

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