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We have to hit Jeter tomorrow if we get a good lead.


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It's like fighting in hockey. It's kind of stupid when you think about it but you'll get called a wimp or someone who never played the game if you say it.

If you wanna think about it like that, we've all spent a significant portion of our lives completely invested in a group of guys that tried to hit a ball with a club, failed miserably at it, and did it under an organization that has disrespected us in the past. We've never met these players, and might very well be rooting against them next year. Yet they cause us so much heartache.

Sports sound ridiculous when you think about it.

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Yeah, that's clearly what I do since I don't advocate intentionally causing bodily harm for any possible slight. And I'm really impressed with you equating people having a conscious and knowing right from wrong with "rolling over like a dog".

Any possible slight? Nah. I'm not going to threaten people in this thread for disagreeing with me, or jump over the counter at McDonalds to start throwing elbows at the teenager who didn't hear me say "onion rings." And I certainly think bringing a baseball bat to a fistfight is poor form. And I'm hardly some badass fighter. I come from the Robin Ventura school; even if there's a pretty good chance of getting my ass kicked, I at least gotta try to stand up for myself. Blood refills, shame is forever.

Having your team's best (or close to it) player knocked out right before the playoffs by your mortal enemy? That deserves a plunk and brawl. What would Nolan Ryan do?

You're a real role model.

Like I give a crap.

My point is they aren't analogous. And you're still being hyperbolic.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I definitely feel that was intentional and if it's intentional it should be paid back to SOME degree.

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Where exactly do you live? The state pen?

I've never been attacked in my adult life. No one is trying to eat my lunch except for me. It's called living in a normal society with laws and stuff.

Your world view is really suggestive of a 90 pound punk who gets bullied on the school yard that's trying so very desperately to sound tough for his friends, but who actually has no concept of what it means to be in a fight or hurt someone.

Your probably way off with your insults of his size. Unless you have been living in a bubble your whole life you should know there are many grown men with his exact thought process and it has nothing to do with puffing yourself online.

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If you agree that the beaning wasn't intentional then how are you sending a message or standing up for your teammate. Standing up for your teammate is like saying don't do that again. So you're saying he didn't try to hit him and you better make sure you don't try to hit him next time either. Not sure I get it although I know I'm in the minority. It's like fighting in hockey. It's kind of stupid when you think about it but you'll get called a wimp or someone who never played the game if you say it.

Also, I"m not sure how Sabathia's reaction was arrogant. He thought the ball hit the bat and said "foul ball". Yeah, he wasn't exactly showing any concern about a batter shaking his hand in pain, but he thought it was a foul ball. I'm not sure how that's arrogant.

The replay I saw on the postgame seemed to me more than simply asking whether the ball was foul. CC was demonstrating and gesturing with his hands in quite a display, which would be ok perhaps if Nick was not right there writhing in pain. I guess whether CC makes any effort after the game to express concern about Nick would ameliorate it some, if that occurs.

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I guess we'll have to agree to disagree because I definitely feel that was intentional and if it's intentional it should be paid back to SOME degree.

No, see, I think it was intentionally inside, he showed no remorse in actually hitting him intentional or not, and that retaliation isn't evil. I disagree that we should participate in it because I know its going to lead to the benches clearing and suspensions we can't afford. I'm trying to tell you you're over the top in what you consider analogous situations and that you're being incredibly hyperbolic about all of it.

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Your probably way off with your insults of his size. Unless you have been living in a bubble your whole life you should know there are many grown men with his exact thought process and it has nothing to do with puffing yourself online.

lol yup sad but very very true

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With all the injuries this team has had, I seriously doubt that Buck is going to want to get into a bean ball war. The team has a goal, and getting even with the yankees for what happened tonight isn't going to help this team achieve that goal. With Nick out for the season the team needs to stay focused now more than ever. You want to get even, do it on the score board and in the standings.


However, it would be nice (although I know Selig never would) to see Sabathia suspended until Nick's return.

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The replay I saw on the postgame seemed to me more than simply asking whether the ball was foul. CC was demonstrating and gesturing with his hands in quite a display, which would be ok perhaps if Nick was not right there writhing in pain. I guess whether CC makes any effort after the game to express concern about Nick would ameliorate it some, if that occurs.

Yeah stuff like that irks me. Enough to say that I hope all those elbow issues CC has been having recently culminate in a ligament tear that requires Tommy John. The sooner the better.

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This argument could go on and on, but I can see both sides. Basically my stance is, even if it were advantageous to the Orioles to hurt one of the MFY's best players tomorrow, and even if doing that would be upholding some kind of tacit honor/revenge system in baseball that dates back to the 19th century, I don't think we should do it. A 17-0 no-hitter victory with four grand slams and an in-the-park solo home run would make an absolute mockery of the Yankees, and do it in far better taste than hurting someone.

The problem I see with hitting them intentionally (aside from the very real risk of getting our own guys hurt, or a fight, or suspensions) is that it would escalate the conflict, and further legitimize what Sabathia did, if he did indeed intend to do that. In other words, by participating in it, we're fanning the flames and making it more likely that baseball in the year 2020 will basically be a test of who can knock out all the star players of the other team the quickest by hitting them and ending their career.

I want to see a lead-off homer tomorrow by McLouth, and make their SP throw 45 pitches in the first inning with guys up there working walks and torturing them, raking them over red-hot coals with single after single, double after double, Earl after Earl. Make their fans boo their own players. Make them trash Girardi and Jeter and Cano and Granderson and Swisher on their message boards. The internal strife it would create will more than make up for the potential advantage of hitting someone. In short, we need a rousing blowout game that sends the MFY fans at the Yard packing in the bottom of the 1st inning.

In the end, the ultimate payback would be to see our replacement leadoff hitter go on an absolute tear -- Reynolds style -- and put the playoffs WAY out of reach of the Yanks. Also, I'm extremely glad (and already feel vindicated) that T-bag hurt his calf again on that last play. Not only did we get the last laugh with that blown call, but he hurt himself in the process. Good. Maybe tomorrow A-roid will dive for a ball and break his wrist on the landing. See, we don't need to hurt them. They hurt themselves plenty. If you hit enough balls close enough to their players that they try to catch it but can't quite, they're going to hurt themselves pretty good. And let's not forget slamming up against that outfield wall.

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Your probably way off with your insults of his size. Unless you have been living in a bubble your whole life you should know there are many grown men with his exact thought process and it has nothing to do with puffing yourself online.

This is pretty typical for his posts, he cried martyr when we had the gall to disagree with him in his ALERT THE MEDIA Pythagorean Thread #952.

If you haven't had to defend your territory, your pride, your SOMETHING, you're not living. Doesn't mean you actually baseball bat someone when they rearend you at a stoplight (my reference to "being more careful next time" was more a double entendre about Sabathia's supposed lack of control) but holy **** seriously I am not talking tough at all. If they don't do something tomorrow it's going to be hey, Buck's Orioles can be hit with impunity because they're not going to do a damn thing about it.

Make them scared and make them think harder about coming inside. This is ANCIENT baseball.

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This thread is making me lose some of my faith in humanity.

These are human beings we are talking about here. Real people, with real lives, outside of sports.

Wishing serious harm or injury on any of them is a very sad and very wrong thing to do.

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Your probably way off with your insults of his size. Unless you have been living in a bubble your whole life you should know there are many grown men with his exact thought process and it has nothing to do with puffing yourself online.

His statements suggest someone with no concept of how the real world works. Whatever his size is, he sounds like a child who has no idea what he's talking about.

People that beat someone with a baseball bat for rear-ending them go to jail. Even as hyperbole, its completely out of place here or in any logical discussion about baseball.

In the real world, people don't have to beat up other people to avoid having their "lunch eaten". That's the stuff of teen angst movies from the 80s and high school locker rooms. The real world doesn't work like that unless you're a criminal. Anyone spouting that stuff is either delusional or channeling karate kids movies.

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Sabathia was def trying to throw the pitch inside off the plate. That was not supposed to be a strike. Was he trying to hit him ??No, but it was a purpose pitch. When you do that stuff like what people can get hit and hurt. I'm fine with pitching inside, but you have to protect your best players as well whether there was an intentional HBP or not. As far as retaliation, game situation will dictate what happens tomorrow as but this won't be forgotten. Ball players/coaches have long memories. Those who think the O's will just forgive and forget don't know have a good grasp on how the game of baseball is played.

The perfect analysis---we better demand respect if we are losing big late.

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I don't think you throw at Jeter or anyone else. Suck up and win the game.

I remember hearing a story about Earl. There was a situation where the Orioles could have retaliated and started a beanball war, but Earl grabbed the pitcher and said something like "Who's our first baseman? (Murray)...can we afford to lose Murray?"

I understand the anger and wanting to retaliate, but the best thing we could do to retaliate is to kick the crap out of them and have them leave OPACY in 2nd place. I don't think CC intentionally hit Nick, yes he's a POS but at the same time he's competitive and wanted a strike called. I don't like it, but I get it.

I think there's a time and place for everything, and if this were April I'd be more inclined to drilling one of their guys. But this is September, we just lost one of our best hitters and we're in a playoff race. We're getting damn close to "all hands on deck" territory and we don't need any suspensions.

Buck is old school but he's also smart enough not to start a beanball war and get our guys suspended or hurt.

Can you imagine if they threw at Reynolds tomorrow and broke his wrist? How would you feel then?

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