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A Plea to end the Gary Glitter "Hey, You Suck!" chant

Mr Snuffleupagus

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Our heritage doesn't mean we have to abandon class. What Scottie does is usually funny more than mean-spirited. Telling your opponent "They suck" when you do something well is just classless and ridiculous. I'm all for cheering on my team, but I don't feel a need to belittle an opponent while doing so.

I love Scottie, but that dude he was harassing last year may not have thought his antics were so funny!

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I HATE this chant. It's pretty classless and rude. At least we aren't the terps though. UMD basketball games are an embarrasment on TV with the chant and the 'bull#$%' chant nonsense. I wish all fans in the area would drop it.

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I HATE this chant. It's pretty classless and rude. At least we aren't the terps though. UMD basketball games are an embarrasment on TV with the chant and the 'bull#$%' chant nonsense. I wish all fans in the area would drop it.

When I was in college 21 years ago, we would chant at basketball games:

"Nuts and bolts, nuts and bolts, we've....been....screwed!"

Also, the very classy...

"A rope, a tree, hang the ref-er-ee!"

What college kids do and say can often be labeled as ignorant and crass. Its not until years later when we grow up when we see how classless this stuff is.

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The chant is lame, so is Jack White.
That should be grounds for banning.

Also, I don't particularly care for the chant, but it doesn't bother me too. I don't know what the big deal is.

I second the motion!

walking down the street

carrying a baseball bat

oh I think I smell a rat

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The chant is lame, so is Jack White.
Our heritage doesn't mean we have to abandon class. What Scottie does is usually funny more than mean-spirited. Telling your opponent "They suck" when you do something well is just classless and ridiculous. I'm all for cheering on my team, but I don't feel a need to belittle an opponent while doing so.

I'll never apologize what informing JJ Redick he was grandstanding in Comcast. He deserved it. In a baseball game he can get a fastball between the shoulders, at a baseketball game this is the crowds job.

It was base and a bit crass, yes...but 15,000 people aren't going to spontaneously quote Shakespeare, its got to be simple and to the point.

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My response is two part. I think they should stop playing it not so much for the "Hey you suck!" part but because Rock and Roll pt2 is stale and bland. O's fans should have a poll of 10 or so songs(not played everywhere else during homeruns) then see if the O's will play one or two of them.....Heh heh..yeah right! Doubt that will ever happen!

I agree with Don Quixote on the sentiment that it gives the opposing team fuel for their fire to come back in a game. I get aggrevated when O's are playing the Yanks and it looks like the Yanks are going through the motions and are about to pack it in. Only to have O's fans start chanting "Yankees Suck! Yankees Suck!". Then seeing the Yankees mount a rally in the next inning. None sticks out more in my mind than the Sept. 6th game last year. O's were winning 6-1 and O's fans start doing the chant very loudly about the 7th inning only to have the Yanks score 5 in the 8th to tie the game. O's ended up winning that game 10-6 on a monster Chris Davis homer but that isn't the point.

After that game the Yanks go on a complete tear to trump the O's who were hot also to take the division and I think that game and O's fans in particular put a chip on the Yanks shoulder. They might have been a bunch of old men but old men can perform like young guys when they're PO'ed. Just my two cents!

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Man my memory is bad! O's hit three homers in the 8th inning that game. Reynolds, Jones and Davis went deep that inning. But the only one I remembered was Davis'.

That was an incredible game. Wasn't that the Cal statue night? Anyhow, I understand your point above that it may have inspired the Yankees but remember that the Yankees were a veteran team who had been in the process of wrapping up a division title before. Our guys had relatively little experience in that and they came awfully close to securing it. Anyhow. I understand the OP's point and I do find that song tacky bu tI don't mind good natured heckling. When I was at the playoff game against the Yankees, I had no problem calling A-Rod, A-Roid. I think it's part of being a fan. I mean if you don't get too nasty or pull what that idiot father and son did against the Royals a few years back, I think it's fine. I like heckling. I usually keep it silly and PG rated. Like when we played the Nats, I liked yelling to

Steve Lombardozzi that I struck out his cousin in LL or calling Bryce Harper a clown since this was just after the clown question bro thing in Toronto.

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I like the chant - its aggressive and rude but baseball's an aggressive sport. Its kind of a reminder that we have a chip on our shoulder and shows the killer instinct to jump on another team while they're down. Its not classy but who cares. I think fans need to be classy on an individual level (ie not yelling at some guy all game because he has on a rays hat) but as a whole there's nothing wrong with showing some aggression.

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