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I know not everyone is a big Jim Hunter fan...


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And yet he also said 'most teams want to make Wieters hit righty because he doesn't do it that often'. He should stick to calling what's happening on the field, and try not to absorb Dempsey's habits of just making stuff up. No one is mistaking him for Vin Scully that's for certain

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He's an idiot homer. All he does is run on and on about how great every O's player is who is AB, or who is pitching. As he reels off an endless string of mind numbing stats, all he is doing is begging the baseball gods to punish us for his hubris. I would rather listen to Dempsey and I can't stand Dempsey.

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He's an idiot homer. All he does is run on and on about how great every O's player is who is AB, or who is pitching. As he reels off an endless string of mind numbing stats, all he is doing is begging the baseball gods to punish us for his hubris. I would rather listen to Dempsey and I can't stand Dempsey.

What the fourteen consecutive seasons we had to endure with him weren't punishment enough and those included years when he was the full time PBP guy. Just joshing around. But yeah Hunter's act can be a bit

annoying since he is too much of a homer.

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It always amuses me how much people get worked up about announcers. I've been watching baseball so long I tend to tune them out, if not just mute them entirely and listen to music while watching the game.

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I think Hunter is alright. His excitement at times can be a lot of fun to listen to, although I didn't think tonight's call was particularly great. The redundancy of "It's fair! It just stayed fair!" didn't rub me the right way I guess. :noidea:

Don't hate him, but I prefer Thorne by a mile.

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I like his voice. Nice guy. Much rather him than Dempsey.

He has a great announcer voice which is all the more reason I dislike him lol. He could be so so good as an announcer but he is just such a homer and so cheesy sometimes I want to vomit. In fairness to Hunter though he prob took note of the Jon Miller fiasco and figured its a good paying gig so go along to get along.

Dempsey says some of the dumbest things you will ever here but there is a certain charm and genuineness to him. I have met Rick and know people who know him and he is just one of those guys who looks for the good in anything. If the warehouse collapsed to heap of rubble one night after a game Rick would come on air and talk about how its great nobody got hurt and now we have much less obstructed view of the our beautiful city

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He has a great announcer voice which is all the more reason I dislike him lol. He could be so so good as an announcer but he is just such a homer and so cheesy sometimes I want to vomit. In fairness to Hunter though he prob took note of the Jon Miller fiasco and figured its a good paying gig so go along to get along.

Dempsey says some of the dumbest things you will ever here but there is a certain charm and genuineness to him. I have met Rick and know people who know him and he is just one of those guys who looks for the good in anything. If the warehouse collapsed to heap of rubble one night after a game Rick would come on air and talk about how its great nobody got hurt and now we have much less obstructed view of the our beautiful city

Unless he's giving a speech about Earl at the Memorial Ceremony. :noidea:

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The man just exudes optimism in every thing he says and does.

I thought tonight, Jim's call as it really started pouring was Jim Hunter personified. Jim said something along the lines of "...As the rain starts to pick up alittle..." Bordick followed by sarcastically chiming in "Yea, just a little." Hunter then goes on to seemingly try and convince us and maybe even himself, "...that the grounds-crew are not set up by the tarp. So this must not pose an imminent threat to to conclusion of the game." Or something like that. All the while, it is absolutely pouring. Then as the Ump called it, Hunter seemed genuinely depressed by the delay.

I find it hard to hate on a man that has remained so optimistic through out all of these years of sucktitude. Outside of maybe Markakis or Roberts, I doubt there's anyone more grateful, appreciative and deserving of the new-found winning ways then Hunter.

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I completely agree. While Hunter can be a bit cheesy and spit out a few too many cliches, he has a good voice, and it's fun when he get's excited about a big play. Loved him on the radio with Fred.

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