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LJ Hoes - he is hitting the hell out of the ball at AAA and no one notices. It isn't like he is 28 years old - he is 23 years old.

2012 - AAA - 317 ABs - .300/.374/.397/.771

2013 - AAA - 160 ABs - .306/.395/.406/.801

Dude gets on base. Decent defensive player. I am not saying that we should send anyone down to bring him up but he looks like he is ready to hit at ML level.

Wonder if he has trade value to help bring back a pitcher?

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If Hoes had been able to handle the defensive side at 2B, he would be playing for the Orioles right now. But, as an RH hitting OF with no power, no speed, and who oddly struggles against LH pitching, I would guess his chances of any extended time in the majors are slim....even as a bench player.

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I've noticed! I've pointed it out in my weekly stats post for the last three or so.

That said, he's only 23. If/when one of the ML OFs gets injured, he's definitely in the mix for a callup. The knock on him was always that he's a tweener, without the defense for an up-the-middle position and not quite enough offense for the corners, and that still seems to be the case.

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Yup Hoes really has no place in the ML team right now with Pearce and Dickerson performing platoon duties pretty well. Maybe if McLouth leaves for FA next year, Hoes will get a shot. With Urrutia in AA, you wonder what plans are for him as well.

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Lee has fallen off considerably. Fantasy alerts are warning owners to drop him.

Lee is owed a lot of money that will prevent the Orioles from considering trading for him. However, I would be interested in seeing the fantasy alerts that are advising people to drop Lee. I wish I played in leagues where owners were dropping Cliff Lee. He has a 1.02 WHIP and 2.48 era in 2013.

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Lee is owed a lot of money that will prevent the Orioles from considering trading for him. However, I would be interested in seeing the fantasy alerts that are advising people to drop Lee. I wish I played in leagues where owners were dropping Cliff Lee. He has a 1.02 WHIP and 2.48 era in 2013.
You are right of course. The alert I saw was to trade him. Not drop him.
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I think this kid will help a major league team. Yeah he has no power, but he's got mad OBP skills and is a solid defender. No doubt in my mind he'll post a .350+ OBP if given 300+ AB as a major leaguer, and there's definitely a place for that.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's probably just timing of his hot/cold streaks. However, just like Brandon Snyder's troubles were blamed on Harbor Park because he liked to go to RF, Hoes is a similar hitter with less power. Hoes swing is kind of naturally geared towards RF even though he's a RH hitter.

It's not like Harbor Park's pitcher friendliness is a myth, it really is a tough place to hit. Not a .250 point OPS hit kind of tough, so yea, some of it is timing. And some may be his particular fit with the park.

But I'm ok with him continuing to OBP almost .450 on the road. He's going to have to get on base a ton to be a good major leaguer, as he's not really up to snuff with his power or his defense or his base stealing. This is going to be an obscure reference, but maybe he can be the new, improved Kevin Sefcik. Or Brady Clark.

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