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Boras: Wieters may Test Free Agency


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I'm not a fan of Wieters. Nothing personal. I just think he's grossly overvalued and overpaid. He'll be getting a raise next year and a potential huge one in 2016. He's just that guy who sucks up resources.

I'm more along the lines that he will be overvalued, overpaid and suck up too many resources... . especially with an extension. So, we don't really disagree on that.

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Was Boras really a necessary choice? Boras and his clients are defined by greed.

Please list out all of the agents who consistently make team friendly deals.

You do know that agents work for the players, not the teams, right? It's their job to milk every penny out of the team that's possible. Boras gets many of the best players and he's very capable at serving his clients. There's nothing wrong with Wieters or any other player going with that agent.

There are cost/benefits at every point in the negotiation to be accounted for. Jones got paid sooner and, in exchange, got paid less than if he had waited to be a free agent. Wieters has to weigh what his value might be in 2 years versus what the O's would pay him now, injury risk, underperformance risk, etc. Boras will serve Wieters in that discussion. He won't kamikaze negotiations out of his desire to wait until FA and get max payment. That's just not how it works in non-internet fantasy land.

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I would have a hard time being in the clubhouse making 5.5 million a year and basically playing as well as AAA replacement. Then my reward for that is a MASSIVE FA contract courtesy of Scott Boras? I couldn't walk into the locker room like that.

You have zero credibility here if you think Wieters is playing as well as a AAA replacement. Per fangraphs, Wieters has been worth:

$5.6 mm in 2009

$8.9 mm in 2010

$21.0 mm in 2011

$17.6 mm in 2012

$7.6 mm in 2013

By their analysis, he already has outearned the $5.5 mm he will make this entire year, while providing about $43 mm in excess value over the previous four years (after taking his signing bonus into account).

BB-ref's version of WAR sees it differently, but by their analysis Wieters still has been worth tens of millions of dollars more than he has been paid over his career. So, I don't think Wieters is going to be ashamed about anything. Whether or not he's having his best season, he's a key cog on a team that has risen from 14 years of losing to be a playoff team in 2012 and a contender this year. If you can't see that, you're a blind man.

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You have zero credibility here if you think Wieters is playing as well as a AAA replacement. Per fangraphs, Wieters has been worth:

$5.6 mm in 2009

$8.9 mm in 2010

$21.0 mm in 2011

$17.6 mm in 2012

$7.6 mm in 2013

By their analysis, he already has outearned the $5.5 mm he will make this entire year, while providing about $45 mm in excess value over the previous four years.

BB-ref's version of WAR sees it differently, but by their analysis Wieters still has been worth tens of millions of dollars more than he has been paid over his career. So, I don't think Wieters is going to be ashamed about anything. Whether or not he's having his best season, he's a key cog on a team that has risen from 14 years of losing to be a playoff team in 2012 and a contender this year. If you can't see that, you're a blind man.


I quite agree with you, very nicely done.

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Exactly he made a ton of money which he earned because he is a good player. He could have gotten more, but he didn't consume all the resources. He didn't put extra pressure on himself with a massive contract.

I didn't know Wieters had done this? I must have missed his quote saying, "I will test free agency to make as much money as I can, and screw the Orioles." Please post that link for us. Thanks!

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Spend the money on Manny and Chris. Weters is horrible. Caleb Joseph needs to get a serious look. No way you over pay for a guy that can't hit. He's a huge bust to me. That's my opinion. Sorry if some of you think it's rediculous. I personally think over spending for a .220 hitter is completely rediculous. trade him while he has value and bring up Joseph. He can't possibly hit any worse.

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Spend the money on Manny and Chris. Weters is horrible. Caleb Joseph needs to get a serious look. No way you over pay for a guy that can't hit. He's a huge bust to me. That's my opinion. Sorry if some of you think it's rediculous. I personally think over spending for a .220 hitter is completely rediculous. trade him while he has value and bring up Joseph. He can't possibly hit any worse.

Joseph would most certainly be worse. He'd probably make Wieters look like Piazza at the plate, and I shudder to think of the difference behind the plate.

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I dont get the mentality of the folks that believe Wieters is no better than a AAA catcher.

Is he the best catcher in MLB, heck no.

Why does he gets the respect of the baseball people for his catching skills. Roch just posted a nice article on it, earlier this week and was already posted him.

Yet, he doesn't get the respect from "SOME" of his hometown fans?????????????

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As been pointed out, the actual quote, was "the team believes"
According to "sources."
Buster Olney reported it, and he is right, more often than not, on baseball matters.

Regardless of whether Olney's reporting is accurate, he didn't report that Boras said that Wieters may test free agency. That's what the thread title says. So it's the thread title that's inaccurate, not Olney's reporting. All Boras said (according to the article linked in the OP) was this:

Scott Boras told reporters (including Dan Connolly of the Baltimore Sun) that he hasn't had any conversations with Orioles executive VP Dan Duquette about contract extensions for Chris Davis or Matt Wieters. "Dan and I talk all the time, but it's the kind of thing where the focus is on the play and not really their contracts now," Boras said.

He said nothing about whether Wieters would test free agency. The only comment he did make related to both Davis and Wieters. So why are people attacking Wieters for being greedy based on this? It's just silly.

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