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I sincerely hope that the Jones comment was sarcasm...he got huge hits in the first two games of this series.

You know what, you're right. According to Fangraphs he gets better in higher leverage situations. Honestly though, I can not think of a single big hit he has gotten this year late in a close game.

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1. Need a real 2B. Schoop is possibly the worst offensive player in baseball and has somehow gotten worse as the season has gone along...

2. Nelson Cruz... Don't be afraid to show up. Anytime now.

3. Markakis has been dreadful lately. Average has fallen almost .25 points.

4. Would be nice of Jones could do something for once in an important situation. He's the King of doing nothing when it matters most.

5. Buck can't expect Webb to pitch 2 innings two game out of 3 when he has barely pitched for some reason lately. Has to be rusty.

6. Bullpen overall continues to look good.

7. Offense continues to be utterly terrible hitting under .200 since the break.

8. One of Davis/Hardy need to to pick it up.

9. Whether they win the East will depend on our offense but being completely useless.

1. While I won't even attempt to argue on the offensive production of Schoop at 2b, clearly he is playing because of his perceived value with the glove. I personally think we have better options in house. The fact that we do not try them should be letting us all know that Buck and DD are comfortable with what they have. We have more pressing concerns. We need to move on.

2. Nelson Cruz has gone cold but he has already more than earned the $8 Million in salary. Of course, how good the deal looks at year end will most definitely depend on how much surplus value he adds from here forward. You are correct, feel free to join back in the party anytime Nelson.

3. Since the break, no one has really killed the ball (Look its Puck has some stats here http://forum.orioleshangout.com/forums/showthread.php/142845-The-quot-Offense-quot-since-the-ASB We will find out shortly if that is more because of the quality pitching or if we can get the bats going soon. Nick should be fine.

4. AJ doing something just once in an important situation? Dude he is practically carrying the team and hit first inning bombs multiple times in helping us get ahead in games against unbeatable pitchers. He is not a problem, he is probably the one person we cannot win without.

5. Webb already sent down.

6. Bull pen looks good? Bull pen has been more than good. It will need to continue the current level of performance.

7. Offense has been very poor and at some point will need to show more signs of life.

8. One of Davis/Hardy need to pick it up. Well they both have plenty of room for improvement. I think it is good that we are where we are and that there are so many in the lineup who have seemed to under perform. That is either a very odd quirk, or something that will start to move our way soon. That would be amazing.

9. Whether they win the AL East will depend on our offense not being completely useless? No, whether the Orioles win the AL East will depend on how well we pitch. It is important that the offense comes around, but as this first stretch shows, the Orioles can and have continued to win even with this lack of offense. If we do not give up runs, statistics show that it is difficult to lose. :)

In general, I think this is a post that misses the forest for the trees. Some of the points are just obvious statement of fact. Some are misrepresentation (or more likely, misrememberization) of fact and some are simply over the top hyperbole. My counter point is simply this. The 2014 Orioles are not perfect, but have rather steadily proved that they are one of the very best teams in all of baseball this year. This is not a 2nd tier team, or a team that is lucky the Yankees or Redsox suck. It is simply one of the best teams playing this year.

I would think that one 10 game losing streak would bring this board down. But one 10 game winning streak would leave this team looking very much like a World Series contender. Which is what it is.

There is much work to do and it would certainly be nice to see the offense come back to life. In the meantime lets enjoy the grit of the grind as much as the team itself seems to. Let's Go O's!

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Jimenez and the offense are both awful. The offense was good for a 5 game span (against STL/NYY). They've scored 114 runs in 27 games since the break. Almost 40% of their total runs since the break are in those 5 games. So they've averaged 3.32 runs per game in games since the break besides that 5 game span. They've also had 11 extra innings to bat thanks to extra innings. So they're averaging ~3.15 runs per game (in a 9 innin game) besides those good 5 games. Pretty terrible.

Offense needs to show that wasn't a fluke because they've been completely terrible except for one week since the break...

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