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Where will Reimold go? (Update: DFA)


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I am still very weary of Pearce even though he is playing out of his mind right now. He wass a career .247 hitter with 17 homers in nearly 800 at bats comming into the season. I don't want to hope he continues to keep it up based on 25 games or so when he has had 5 seasons in the majors with sub average player. Maybe he never got a chance but he never did a ton to take the small chances he got. Pearce could easily go back to that guy and hit under .250 with little pop the rest of the season. We have to keep an option if that happens and even so he never has been a full time player in the majors can he give us 120 games is another major question. I know it will not happen but could we trade Pearce at his peak and maybe get a team to overpay something we can use now like a 2B.

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I am still very weary of Pearce even though he is playing out of his mind right now. He wass a career .247 hitter with 17 homers in nearly 800 at bats comming into the season. I don't want to hope he continues to keep it up based on 25 games or so when he has had 5 seasons in the majors with sub average player. Maybe he never got a chance but he never did a ton to take the small chances he got. Pearce could easily go back to that guy and hit under .250 with little pop the rest of the season. We have to keep an option if that happens and even so he never has been a full time player in the majors can he give us 120 games is another major question. I know it will not happen but could we trade Pearce at his peak and maybe get a team to overpay something we can use now like a 2B.

A team in "go for it" mode that is tied for the division lead in the loss column does not trade a hot hitter. They ride out his hot streak and see where it takes them.

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First off, I am a big fan of Nolan's - his hustle was a breath of fresh air during the lean years when folks like BRob wouldn't hustle down the line. Every year I keep thinking that this is the one he will maintain at least a decorum of health - each year I feel like Charlie Brown. To look at Nolan's salary this year as the only consideration for another team is not correct IMO. Other teams will also have to drop someone on their 25-man to take a chance on him. I also would not trade or move anyone under the assumption that Nolan will take their place - odds are we may be looking at trying to fill a Young or Pearce's position at any time after, which sounds really annoying and a risk I most likely do not take.

Lough? I don't understand the whole left-right thing when it comes to Lough. How does it matter when he is not getting on base and/or running? He is the one that will pass through waivers - maybe the answer is waive Lough put Nolan on the 25 man and buy some time on which two you keep (Pearce, Young or Reimold) can be based on a bit more information, or put together a trade that is not made in panic mode.

I believe 15 teams would claim David Lough. I am uncertain that any would claim Nolan.

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That OBP is mostly from over 2 years ago. I'm no longer buying that track record. I'd be willing to see if he would return to form if we weren't in a pennant race, but why remove a guy that is killing the ball?

Your namesake, the EVP, said one of the reason he likes Delmon is that he hits well...IN THE POSTSEASON. where we have had an issue or so.

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One thing that needs to be kept in mind here - the AB's in this role are limited. Free-swingers like Young tend to do much better with limited AB's than the more patient hitters like Reimold. I'd try to stash Reimold at triple-A in case Markakis, Cruz, Pearce or Davis goes down and he can come up for regular playing time. If he gets picked-up off waivers, so be it. He'll probably go somewhere and knock the walls down but that's the way it goes sometimes.

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I believe 15 teams would claim David Lough. I am uncertain that any would claim Nolan.

I think Lough would get claimed as well but is he a guy we wanna keep on the roster all season anyway. Maybe we get lucky but if not that is still the position we have to upgrade anyway. We need to upgrade the left field situation and with a guy that can atleast hit his weight not a guy that can come in for defense and stand out there and watch Britton pitch 25 games or so a season.

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Along with left field situation i mean another hitter as well. I just don't want Pearce going down in late August and having to watch Lough play out there down the stretch. I like the Lough trade at the begining but right now he is not doing us much good at all.

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Reimold would be a nice shot in the arm for a lineup of hackers. He's made of glass, but he knew how to take a pitcher's pitch.

What might have been. We are no longer an experimental team though. No Lew Fords here.

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Saying he is slower is pure speculation. He didn't look as if he had lost a step in spring training.

He didn't? He looked slow and tentative to me (was down there for a few games). And I'm saying he's slower now than he was when he was a reliable? and younger player.

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I am still very weary of Pearce even though he is playing out of his mind right now. He wass a career .247 hitter with 17 homers in nearly 800 at bats comming into the season. I don't want to hope he continues to keep it up based on 25 games or so when he has had 5 seasons in the majors with sub average player. Maybe he never got a chance but he never did a ton to take the small chances he got. Pearce could easily go back to that guy and hit under .250 with little pop the rest of the season. We have to keep an option if that happens and even so he never has been a full time player in the majors can he give us 120 games is another major question. I know it will not happen but could we trade Pearce at his peak and maybe get a team to overpay something we can use now like a 2B.

He was very good last season with an injured wrist. And pretty good for the Orioles in 2012.

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If the club replaces Delmon with Reimold, someone needs to check Duquette's brain function. Delmon is good for a hit or more damn near every time he gets into a game. He's thriving in his current role of playing very sporadically, and not many people can do that successfully.

It ain't broke, don't fix it. Pass Nolan through waivers. If he gets through, we have two nice injury replacement bats in he and Pegeuro.

This is ridiculous. What good is BB% if you can't bloody hit?

Delmon does nothing but get hits. Stop relying on Nolan's once-upon-a-time good ML walk percentage. It's a mirage. He's not going to walk up here if he can't prove he can still hit up here. And the O's are in no position to experiment and find that out because they already have two guys who can hit in Pearce and Young. And one of them - Pearce - is a better LFer than Nolan and all his speed could ever hope to be. IMO.

That OBP is mostly from over 2 years ago. I'm no longer buying that track record. I'd be willing to see if he would return to form if we weren't in a pennant race, but why remove a guy that is killing the ball?

I generally agree with your position, but I think you are overstating things. Delmon Young had a .695 OPS in 2011, .707 in 2012, .715 in 2013. His OPS was .687 as recently as June 8 this year. I'm glad he has had a hot 2-1/2 weeks (in 19 PA), but let's not pretend this guy is some tremendous hitter. He's a hot hand who seems relatively comfortable in his role. He's more of a sure thing than Reimold is right now, and as I said before, it seems to me that Nolan has struggled when he doesn't get consistent at bats. But Reimold could turn out to be as good or better if the O's went that direction, though I doubt they will.

By the way, it seems to me that a lot of people are taking for granted that we are seeing the "real" Steve Pearce. I wouldn't fool with what's working there, but this is a guy with a career .734 OPS in almost 1000 PA, even including the 143 PA from this year. There's a very good chance he returns to Earth in the second half of the year. Hopefully some other guys make up for it when that happens.

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