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Was ERod too much for Andrew Miller


ERod for Miller  

224 members have voted

  1. 1. ERod for Miller

    • It's a steal
    • I'm fine with that price but I'll miss him.
    • Too much: worried about only 2 months of Miller vs a long career of ERod

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Wow!! That is quite an accomplishment for 20.2 innings of MLB. And I agree completely, why I was just thinking about when you warned everyone that the best the Orioles pitcher developed in nearly 2 decades should not be traded...and then Eric Bedard walked by and I just can't stop laughing.


The funniest part is that it's the same people who always complain about both things.
With all due respect if you deserve any.... Arrieta was a 5-6 era pitcher here that got tons of chances. I'm glad for him he's doing well in the NL. Jake needed a change of scenery and had very little value when he left. Everyone knew he had talent, but he could've easily faded away.

E Rod has a lot to prove to make the other half of your statement close to true.

Wow... that's quite a reach!!

Yes. By some measures that's the worst trade in MLB history. By fWAR from the point of the trade until the end of the various players' careers the O's lost that one 137.9 to 0.4. That's kind of like trading the entire career of Hank Aaron for Ryan Lavarnway.

How is it a reach? The Orioles have done a miserable job developing pitchers in the past 20+ years.

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How is it a reach? The Orioles have done a miserable job developing pitchers in the past 20+ years.

If you go back to the 14 years of sorry baseball, they did lots of things miserably.

There isn't a poster here that won't agree with you, about how things used to be.

But, I believe some of us are a bit more optimistic that they are drafting better and they have better arms in the system now.

E-Rod was not the only healthy arm in the system, for you to say so, its just over the top snark, because you are upset and trying to prove your point.

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EdRod I was vehemently against the second it was announced. Arrieta I was overjoyed the second it was announced. I was so sick of Jake I never wanted to see him again. But it it concerning that he got so good after leaving us.

It happens.

Look at Zach Britton, before he mastered his slider and now.

Night and day difference.

Before, he was mid 4 to 5 ERA and showing flashes but could be considered "mediocre".

Now, he is lights out.

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Apparently I voted Too much: worried about only 2 months of Miller vs a long career of ERod, which certainly is looking like the right choice now. However, I gotta say that as last season went on, if you'd polled me again, around playoff time, I probably would've changed my tune. And if we'd won a WS I'd definitely be singing a different tune right now. This trade was one of those gambles, you don't know EdRod is gonna be a hit and you don't know how far the Orioles will go. Was it too much to give up? Oh yes, it looks like it, but it's the type of move you can debate about forever.

Just wondering--is there a way to see how I voted? I'm guessing if I don't see anything indicating it, I didn't vote in this poll?

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I loved Andrew Miller and don't really question that trade. It was worth it to go for it last season. But that doesn't mean it won't be painful to watch EdRod in a Red Sox uniform for several years to come, if he's anything close to as good as he'd been the first few starts.

Good take, and I share your sentiment. I just wish the FO would've made more of an effort to retain Miller.

ERod is good, really good, but I don't blame the FO for moving him last year in an effort to win.

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Buck on ERod:

Former Orioles farmhand Eduardo Rodriguez struck out seven batters in six scoreless innings, allowing only three hits, to lower his ERA to 0.44 in three major league starts.

"About what you expected," Showalter said. "He's solid. Got a lot of balls deep in the zone on some good fastball hitters. It was impressive. We've seen it many times. Same delivery, same side of the rubber, same stuff.

"I'm sure there's some guys if they could pick a scenario, they like him, good kid, that he would pitch well and we'd win. I don't wish bad on anybody. I know one thing, the Red Sox will trade with us again. If you always make a pretty even trade, they like working with you."

Rodriguez said he didn't take special meaning in facing the Orioles.

"I just try to do the best I can," he said. "I just try to, don't get too much out of control, you know? (Keep it) in the zone."


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The Andrew Miller trade only makes a little bit of sense if the Orioles win the World Series and they resign him.

The resigning part has little to do with anything. The Orioles traded for two months of Andrew Miller, and the opportunity to ask him if he wanted to resign a deal on the Orioles terms, which he declined. I would never give up much for the right to resign a free agent at free agent market rates.

How is it a reach? The Orioles have done a miserable job developing pitchers in the past 20+ years.

It's a reach because you've declared Rodriguez an ace after 20 major league innings. He's basically had the same MLB career as Bob Milacki did at the end of the 1988 season.

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It happens.

Look at Zach Britton, before he mastered his slider and now.

Night and day difference.

Before, he was mid 4 to 5 ERA and showing flashes but could be considered "mediocre".

Now, he is lights out.

There's also the very significant role change with Britton. You can bet he wouldn't be anything like this effective if he was pacing himself for seven innings.

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There's also the very significant role change with Britton. You can bet he wouldn't be anything like this effective if he was pacing himself for seven innings.

Okay, I hear ya.

But, there are times, when throwers, find their light bulb moment and learned how to become a pitcher.

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Just wondering--is there a way to see how I voted? I'm guessing if I don't see anything indicating it, I didn't vote in this poll?

If you'd voted, your selection would be highlighted in italics.

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It's strikes me as funny how we hear all this whining about how we never go for it, we don't want to win blah, blah, and then when they take a shot, and go for it, we hear all this whining about how we have mortgaged the future, blah, blah.

The issue is that there is more than one way to "go for it". You can go for it by trading prospects (e.g. Ed Rod for Miller), or you can go for it by signing free agents who are cheap because they cost you a draft pick (e.g. Nelson Cruz and Ubaldo Jiminez). Or you can go for it by signing quality free agents at a fair market price who don't cost you a draft pick.

The first two options weaken your farm system but don't require as much of a financial commitment. The third option requires Peter Angelos to commit more money, but doesn't deplete the farm system.

I think most fans would prefer option 3. Peter Angelos obviously prefers options 1 and 2, and so that's what DD has to work with.

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