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vs. BLUE JAYS, 8/05


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There's so much I hate about this match-up. Matusz pitching, Reimold, former O angle, Brian Matusz, the war of 1812.

I assumed the Jimmy Two-Times thing was intentional.

Either way, Matusz has arguably caused more damage to Baltimore than the War of 1812. But at least he was facing someone who ran into (hah...) so much trouble in Baltimore that he actually became a "former" Oriole.

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You can go with Hunter, Miller, DOD and Britton if you have to.I love how our bullpen fills out.Hell, Id even allow Matusz to start the 7th.

Assuming it's not Miller coming in, I'd have Matusz go back out. Their 9th batter is a lefty.

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Note to Bordick: you don't always have to acknowledge the stupid MPH off the bat graphic.

I hate the "hot zone" graphic so much more. Oh look, a giant red splotch that covers the entire strike zone. I guess that dude likes hitting...balls...thrown in the general vicinity of the plate...

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Assuming it's not Miller coming in, I'd have Matusz go back out. Their 9th batter is a lefty.

Didn't Matsuz just get Reiinhold PHing for Kawasaki in the nine hole? So this would mean it would be Reyes leading off. Not sure if Reyes hits better against lefties or righties or hits them equally.

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