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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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I absolutely agree Frobby, I hate this because I am a big supporter of DD. But unless we are missing an awful lot here, which is not impossible, DD will be gone, the only question is whether it's from MLB or the Orioles.

No doubt, if MLB gets caught with it's pants down here they will sacrifice DD in a heartbeat as being the driver of all things evil here.

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Contracts exist for a reason. I think the NFL is ridiculous for the way they handle them and MLB similarly.

I respect the way MLB handles contracts (for players at least...) Albert Belle craps out and still gets paid what he signed for. Not pleasant for us but it's good sound business. NFL... is a non-guaranteed contract REALLY a contract at all?

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I really hate the fact that some people are suggesting it's unfair or overly legalistic to hold Duquette to his contract. His original deal was a three year deal. If he'd wanted to keep his options open, he didn't have to sign an extension. He opted for job security. Let's say some other GM had come along who the Orioles really coveted. Could they have said, hey Dan, let us out of that contract because a better opportunity came along? Of course not. Do players get let out of their contracts when they outperform them? No. The whole thing is totally one-sided.

That said, I have a hard time seeing how keeping DD will work out well for the Orioles, when everyone knows he'd rather be elsewhere. That's not a good dynamic.

I think we keep DD. On having signed the contract. I think (THINK) it will cause some ill will with him. But... he'll be under contract thru 2018. A long time to hold a grudge. Memories fade. My money would be on him eventually signing an even longer extension.

And I laugh at the thought that any of this will change his job performance or non-performance in any way at all.

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Starting to think the job with the Blue Jays may not be everything it is cracked up to be, especially with the comments regarding the actual responsibilities, the new job would entail. DD can thank his lucky stars that Petey is so obdurate and distance himself from the Blue Jays

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I really hate the fact that some people are suggesting it's unfair or overly legalistic to hold Duquette to his contract. His original deal was a three year deal. If he'd wanted to keep his options open, he didn't have to sign an extension. He opted for job security. Let's say some other GM had come along who the Orioles really coveted. Could they have said, hey Dan, let us out of that contract because a better opportunity came along? Of course not. Do players get let out of their contracts when they outperform them? No. The whole thing is totally one-sided.

I have to believe that when he does stay, he will wish to be well thought of in the industry. And he will do the great job he always does.

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If DD stays (which I hope he does), I sincerely doubt it will affect his job performance. He's just not wired that way. He's in to win, and appears to really enjoy the nitty gritty moves that make a winner, even with fewer financial resources than his competition. He loves his work, much like a teacher usually love their line of work. Even if their feathers are ruffled by their employer, they still do their job simply because they have a passion for it.

Although he may be interested in the TOR job, I'm sure he realizes that he signed his extension under his own free will, gladly setting himself for job security and financial security as a top baseball exec after more than a decade away.

If my employer offered me a guaranteed salary for the next 4 years, I would sign it as I am happy where I work. If another company tried to recruit me away after a year for more money and prestige, I'd be miffed at the timing, but I would still honor the deal I willingly signed up for and be thankful that I have steady, secure, and well paying employment.

Nothing about DD seems unprofessional to me. If he doesn't leave for Toronto, I think he's a standup guy with work ethic who will continue to honor his obligation to the O's to the best of his abilities.

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Starting to think the job with the Blue Jays may not be everything it is cracked up to be, especially with the comments regarding the actual responsibilities, the new job would entail. DD can thank his lucky stars that Petey is so obdurate and distance himself from the Blue Jays

There are Toronto reporters that say this is a power play move of Ed Rodgers, who will be the de facto CEO with the new President reporting to him. After being removed from day to day operations of the family business, this is an end run on the Centre and the team for him.

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I respect the way MLB handles contracts (for players at least...) Albert Belle craps out and still gets paid what he signed for. Not pleasant for us but it's good sound business. NFL... is a non-guaranteed contract REALLY a contract at all?

NFL players get most of their money up front via signing bonuses. Prevents you from cutting guys as you would have a huge cap hit to deal with if you do it early in the contract.

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On the flip side, why should anyone work for the Orioles if they have any aspirations of getting a better job if they know Angelos will just block them and throw a hissy fit about the contract they signed?

Anyone who signs a contract for a major league manager or major league GM should expect to fullfil it as that is why they give multi-year contracts for those positions.

The real question is why would anyone ever hire DD again? If he signs a long extension and then decides he wants to break his contract? I am guessing if this doesn't work out for DD he will have an impossible job finding employment in baseball again. I dont' get the Blue Jays trying to steal DD from the Orioles. It is like trying to steal someones spouse and marry them yourself. Once they cheat on one person what is stopping them from doing it again. DD makes himself look pretty awful in this whole situation. I wonder did something similar happen with the Expos were he was only GM for two years? Is that why he was out of baseball so long?

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On the flip side, why should anyone work for the Orioles if they have any aspirations of getting a better job if they know Angelos will just block them and throw a hissy fit about the contract they signed?

Traditionally there are no better jobs for GMs. This is a new phenomena due to baseball teams being priced to the point that only huge corporations can afford them. I'd be perfectly happy with all of those people who aspire for one of these 30 jobs in the world to make it clear when they sign and then extend before their contract is up, that they will be paid for all years. They will stay for all. And there are plenty of other aspirants to look at if that is the hold up for them.

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On the flip side, why should anyone work for the Orioles if they have any aspirations of getting a better job if they know Angelos will just block them and throw a hissy fit about the contract they signed?

I think that it depends on what capacity that you work for the Orioles in.

To me, there is a significant difference between being a player, a manager, or a GM (all well-paid and prestigious positions, with $500,000 being the minimum salary for a rookie player) being held to their contract, and an usher, soda vendor, groundskeeper that works for the Orioles.

If Duquette voluntarily signed the 3-year contract to be the GM for the Orioles, then I don't believe that it is particularly oppressive to hold him to the length of said contract, even if he gets better offers from other teams.

I don't think that ushers, soda vendors, groundskeepers, etc. even have contracts with the Orioles for their jobs, but even if they do, then I believe a person that works for the Orioles in THAT capacity and with THAT pay should be allowed to leave if they get better offers for better-paying jobs.

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I think that it depends on what capacity that you work for the Orioles in.

To me, there is a significant difference between being a player, a manager, or a GM (all well-paid and prestigious positions, with $500 Million being the minimum salary for a rookie player) being held to their contract, and an usher, soda vendor, groundskeeper that works for the Orioles.

If Duquette voluntarily signed the 3-year contract with the Orioles, then I don't believe that it is particularly oppressive to hold him to the length of said contract, even if he gets better offers from other teams.

I don't think that ushers, soda vendors, groundskeepers, etc. even have contracts with the Orioles for their jobs, but even if they do, then I believe a person that works for the Orioles in THAT capacity and with THAT pay should be allowed to leave.

Dan signed a three year contract, which got torn up after one year to sign a six year one.

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