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Fanfest Changes Needed


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I feel so old saying this but I remember when it was called the Orioles Carnival and was held out at Martins West.....and there was not much of a crowd at all....I think the number of people that come out to this event is just fantastic.....I did not get in line for anything but did stand for the forums.....I just love seeing so many people in their orange and black in the middle of winter.

Some things could be tweaked but thinking back to what it used to be this event is fantastic. My son gets excited for this event every year like it is a game....and we don't even worry about getting anything signed....just there to take in all the MAGIC

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They used to have two giveaway stations a few years back. The line for the giveaways was long and slow. Bingo was fun and won two free tickets. The lines for everything was long. How many free tickets were handed out. At 10:15 the crowd was crazy. I thought only two tickets per season account. Also baby strollers are not a great idea in a big crowd. Have people forget how to walk? They are looking at their phone and keep bumping into people. Please in a crowd look where you are going.

They give you 2 free tickets but let you buy up to 8 additional that allow the early entry. I took full advantage of that as I knew that those tickets are always in demand. I think they did that to lower the selling of those tickets. I know one year I got like $40-50 each for my "early entry ticket" on ebay. With allowing season plan holders to buy 8 additional with early entry it made those tickets only worth $20 or so.

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The only issue that needs to be addressed is the food lines. Not only that, but the individuals working the line at that particular booth were beyond terrible. Trust me, I know what it's like to get good help in Baltimore, but my goodness. Watching them on their cellphones while they cuss in front of my son, no thanks. I shouldn't have to wait in line for a half an hour to buy a hotdog. That's ridiculous.

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The only issue that needs to be addressed is the food lines. Not only that, but the individuals working the line at that particular booth were beyond terrible. Trust me, I know what it's like to get good help in Baltimore, but my goodness. Watching them on their cellphones while they cuss in front of my son, no thanks. I shouldn't have to wait in line for a half an hour to buy a hotdog. That's ridiculous.
As you know. That is the convention center. They laughed as my wife got within three of the front. "Food's gone." She said, "That's alright, I just want two coffees.'
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you guys complain about everything. that is all.

I got a ton of free stuff, free plush doll, chris davis action figure, 2 different xl shirts and a third small machado jersey for my wife. 5 towels, kosies, sunglasses, bag, stickers, schedule and i am sure other things i forgot to list. $0

also got 2 sets of vouchers at 3:20 and 4:40.

I didnt get there till 3pm and was out by 5:30pm.

You guys just do it wrong. Everyone is leaving between 2-3. after that no lines, they are throwing stuff at you to get rid of it .

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