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Oh! How doing that during the anthem rankles some people


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Removing your cap, whether during the National Anthem, during a funeral, or when soldiers remove their caps for a fallen friend, has in the past, and always will be a sign of respect. Now if YOU choose to not honor that as a sign, that's your perogative, but it certainly is socially recongized as a sign of respect to remove your hat. And the reason you do it during the National Anthem is to pay RESPECT to the fallen men and women who have fought to provide us with the freedoms and rights that we have today. Its not "just a song." Its what the song represents. I'm only 33, but I am old enough to have major issues with the younger generation losing respect in many different areas, including respecting the men and women who have come before us.
You have nine innings and three plus hours to {support the O's} opposed to three minutes for the anthem.

These two quotes pretty much sum up my feelings on these two issues ...But I admit I have one more year on Dipper. :P

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I haven't read all of the message so I don't know if anyone else mentioned this.

However... I find it kinda hypocritical that a Washington paper is complaining about anything when they have the most racially offensive team name in all of sports in the Washington REDSKINS. Maybe he should focus on complaining about how offensive that is to native americans and not on a half a syllable difference in the national anthem.

Just my thoughts.

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I haven't read all of the message so I don't know if anyone else mentioned this.

However... I find it kinda hypocritical that a Washington paper is complaining about anything when they have the most racially offensive team name in all of sports in the Washington REDSKINS. Maybe he should focus on complaining about how offensive that is to native americans and not on a half a syllable difference in the national anthem.

Just my thoughts.

That is hypocritical, but complaining about saying Oh! is just another example of the over-excitable people in DC getting bent out of shape about something that can be construed in some conceivable way as non PC. Whenever I see people get up in arms about that kind of thing I reach for my pistol.

(Didn't I recently read that Goebbels/Hawking quote on here? Sorry to plagiarize)

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I am an O's/Skins/Wizards/Caps/Terps fan and I say "Oh" everywhere I go. I even said it to myself at an Astros game in Houston last year. I could care less what others think, if they see it as disrespectful then don't do it. I don't feel as if it is disrespectful at all. If I did, I wouldn't do it. I don't complain about the Skins name or this...

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Because YOU say so? I think not. Here's a few more old traditions that people seem to disregard in today's times...

Thou shall not kill!

Thou shall not covett another man's wife!

Thou shall not steal!

Thou shall not pick on Dippy for his fear of snakes! :D

Its no wonder society is going straight to hell. The old tradition of RESPECT has gone flying out the window along with the ten commandments, and many other moral and ethical traditions. Take off the damn hat dude. Have some respect for those who died for your arse to say and do whatever the heck you want! :mad:

Actually, as far as I know there's nothing specifically in the Ten Commandments about coveting another man's wife, as long as you don't actually sleep with her. But what is a law is that "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ass." :P

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