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Roch: Penn Cut


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Following is something I wrote in July, 2007:

I believe that Penn is NOT someone that is worth waiting for...have been saying along with the caveat that I hope that I am wrong if he stays or am not wrong if he goes....

Everytime I see him I see Matt Riley...

Trade him and Cabrera...risky but worth it...

I just can not get over that deer in the headlights look.

I posted this view myself and got derided for it by some here, but I also view Penn as a junior Matt Riley. All show and no go.

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Because your view was non-sensical and faulty in premise. You should be used to derision by now.

It was also spot on correct. You should be used to being WRONG by now dude! Just being condescending doesn't mean you know anything about the game or its players. Maybe you should listen to Rochester, he knows what he is talking about.

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This is just the beginning of the home grown O's pitchers being sent to Norfolk in leiu of McPhail's off season accquisitions. The good news is by the end of the year most of the pitching staff will be those same home grown players after the off season acquisitions bomb out...What concerns me right now is Trembley having to leave starters in too long because they only have one long man. Again so all of McPhail's one inning guys can get a look.

Penn needs to pull himself together and get on track in AAA so he can be one of the first ones called up for injury or ineffectiveness.

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This is the exact stat you're cherry picking. Strikeouts are not the end all be all, especially in five innings of work. There are other stats, like walks, balls and strikes, OBA, but none of them mean much right now because it's five innings. The sample size is tiny.

Ok so I can't use his current stats to get a current perspective on Penn??

Let me put a different view on it...he has 1 K in 4 appearances.

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Norfolk has the potential to have a pretty good rotation:






I think Albers and Olson will be on the team, at least one of them. I am not surprised about Penn. They had no intention of letting him make the team. He only pitched one inning per outing.

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I posted this view myself and got derided for it by some here, but I also view Penn as a junior Matt Riley. All show and no go.

Most of your posts are derided because you offer no logical explanation for them. If I just randomly posted that "Melvin Mora no longer has what it takes, he's done, believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Please don't question this." I'd get derided, too.

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Ok so I can't use his current stats to get a current perspective on Penn??

Let me put a different view on it...he has 1 K in 4 appearances.

5 innings is pretty irrelevant no matter how you slice it. If he had 12 strikeouts we'd all be excited, but nobody would be thinking he's gonna average 20 strikeouts per 9.

If Bedard had a stretch of 5 innings in the middle of the season last year where he only had 1 strikeout, that'd be meaningless, just like Penn only having one strikeout over these 5 innings.

Rates only really matter when you have a larger sample size. Very good pitchers, guys who have great K/9 and BB/9 will have starts where they pitch well and onyl strike out a couple and might walk a few. Strange things happen over short periods.

Stating he only had 1 K in his 5 innings as any sort of indication of anything is misleading at best.

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It was also spot on correct. You should be used to being WRONG by now dude! Just being condending doesn't mean you know anything about the game or its players. Maybe you should listen to Rochester, he knows what he is talking about.

I'm sorry - has it been verified or falsified? I mean, are we measuring correctness again by the standards of that alternative universe you inhabit where your 'sixth sense' lets you know by instinct and RBIs who's going to suck and who's not?

You're right, though, being condescending doesn't mean I know anything about the game or its players. Knowing "things" about the game and knowing "things" about its players does. I happen to base that knowledge on first-hand, experiential evidence (watching the games), statistics, common sense, and my hashed-together understanding of economics, risk, and behavioral psychology.

I mean, I'm not sure how that holds up to the depth and breadth of knowledge you get from watching a handful of at-bats.

But we can't all be you. As much as we aspire...

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It was also spot on correct. You should be used to being WRONG by now dude! Just being condending doesn't mean you know anything about the game or its players. Maybe you should listen to Rochester, he knows what he is talking about.
How can your prediction about a player's future be correct or wrong? It can certainly be improbable or likely, but right or wrong has nothing to do with it.

Your opinions are not facts.

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Ok so I can't use his current stats to get a current perspective on Penn??

Let me put a different view on it...he has 1 K in 4 appearances.

Never stated that. Check if you like. If you are unwilling to look at all of his current stats, then yes, however, you will come to a faulty conclusion.

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5 innings is pretty irrelevant no matter how you slice it. If he had 12 strikeouts we'd all be excited, but nobody would be thinking he's gonna average 20 strikeouts per 9.

If Bedard had a stretch of 5 innings in the middle of the season last year where he only had 1 strikeout, that'd be meaningless, just like Penn only having one strikeout over these 5 innings.

Rates only really matter when you have a larger sample size. Very good pitchers, guys who have great K/9 and BB/9 will have starts where they pitch well and onyl strike out a couple and might walk a few. Strange things happen over short periods.

Stating he only had 1 K in his 5 innings as any sort of indication of anything is misleading at best.

I know I know...small sample size. I don't need a lecture about the irrelevance of 5 IP. However I do know he wasn't pitching up to his talent level or he would be sticking in camp longer. Let him get more IP in minor league camp.

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It was also spot on correct. You should be used to being WRONG by now dude! Just being condending doesn't mean you know anything about the game or its players. Maybe you should listen to Rochester, he knows what he is talking about.

Penn was sent to Norfolk to get more innings in so he's ready to contribute later. Not because they've sent a prima donna away as punishment, or just to be rid of the next Matt Riley.

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However I do know he wasn't pitching up to his talent level or he would be sticking in camp longer.
This is flat out incorrect.

The Orioles said why they demoted him, and it was the exact reason many deduced on here as the only logical explanation.

They feel he is behind physically and needs to work on getting extra innings under his belt in order to be ready for the MLB rotation in a couple months if needed. The guys who are already locks for the rotation plus the final two or three guys vying for the 5th starter's spot are going to be taking up most of the MLB ST innings, so the only place for Penn to get consistent work will be in Sarasota.

If the minor and major league complexes were close, we'd see Penn pitching in both from here on out, but since they are many hours away, this he can't shuffle back and forth.

Sending him down had nothing to do with the way he's pitched, but rather their view of his current physical condition and how best to get him in shape to crack the MLB rotation.

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