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Wieters is staying with the Orioles for 2016


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Got a lot of fans who are thinking with their hearts and not with their brains. You are absolutely right. The Orioles had a value at catcher going into the year and now have albatross. But that's ok, as long as he likes here in Baltimore and he's excited about spring training it's ok. lol

Yeah. I'll admit it, I'm thinking with my heart on this. I realize that 16m is a HUGE overpay for what Matt has historically brought to the table, but it is just one year, and he can be traded mid June if we want to.

So theoretically, if we either:

1. Back load any FA contracts OR

2. Trade Matt in June

It shouldn't affect any FA signings that we were planning on pursuing.

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I'm not "happy" about it, but you're being myopic about 2016, making it into a far bigger issue than it actually is.

I'm not sure if you've read my post on one of the previous pages, but I posited that we have 7-9 holes to address this off-season. Would you agree or do you feel as though there are a different number of holes to fill?

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Problem is this.

Lets say MW has a very good year, lets say he puts 3.3 win season. That's great right? Problem is CJ was worth 2.2 wins this year. So you have in essence paid 15+ million for about ONE win and that is if everything goes great and MW has a really good year. There is not a whole lot to cheer about in that proposition for a team with the number of needs we have. Not good at all.

Unless you make a series of other deals to fill other holes since you now have a surplus of talent at catcher.

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Will Kurt Russell throw out the first pitch? :D

Not one single player. Yes. Ever.

There are exceptions to the rule.


Wieters could be the first.

Theoretically possible but the available information all points towards a refusal.

Scenario: Wieters is a huge fan of Big Trouble in Little China. He's involved in an off-season production of a stage play based on the movie with Wieters in the Kurt Russell role. During one of the fight scenes he is horribly injured. This takes place between the O's offering the QO and Boras rejecting. Due to the injury they take the QO just to grab the cash. Plausible?
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Because it was a calculated gamble. It was a headstrong agent taking an unprecedented QO, against the need for picks to rebuild the farm. And the downside was you paid one year's going rate for a pretty good regular. Which isn't a terrible thing, it's not a crippling thing, it just changes your approach a little.

If it was a calculated gamble then it was a stupidly calculated gamble and it won't change the Orioles' approach a little, it will change it a lot.

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Unless the payroll is going to $150M this just killed 2016. There very likely wasn't enough money or prospects before this to build a competitive team. Now there's $15M less and we're no better at all, and very possibly worse. DD has been brutal the last year or so.

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Problem is this.

Lets say MW has a very good year, lets say he puts 3.3 win season. That's great right? Problem is CJ was worth 2.2 wins this year. So you have in essence paid 15+ million for about ONE win and that is if everything goes great and MW has a really good year. There is not a whole lot to cheer about in that proposition for a team with the number of needs we have. Not good at all.

Joseph put up that WAR in 94 games at Catcher. Lets say Wieters catches 110 next year and puts up a 3.0 WAR catching. (I don't see him doing his old 130+ games at catcher) That still leaves 52 games for CJ to put up 1.5 wins. Net total is 4.5 wins out of the position.

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per Heyman

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">wieters is taking the qualifying offer <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>? Jon Heyman (@JonHeymanCBS) <a href="

">November 13, 2015</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Okay ....

Let me be the first to say I was wrong. Ridicule awaited:)

I'm good with Matt returning I guess. But is it a platoon thing with Caleb,'the DH role or Possibly 1B?

If we can find a starter for 14 that still leaves 21 million for Upton! Or does it? Otherwise there is no way to add a good starter and keep Davis ... I mean Upton

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If it was a calculated gamble then it was a stupidly calculated gamble and it won't change the Orioles' approach a little, it will change it a lot.

Hey man. Just gonna say, I argued with you that there was no way MW was taking the QO. Man enough to admit when I am wrong. Clearly was dead wrong on this one. That said, I am just a fan posting on a message board, as are you, DD on the hand gambled and lost. Again.

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The argument that CJ and his cost/performance profile will be wasted now will be somewhat dependent on how they use MW. I would expect they use him at DH a great deal to keep his bat in the lineup and him fresh, particularly if they are more dependent on him to produce offensively with CD leaving. I really don't see CJ only playing 40 games with this.

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