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Yeah Hernandez!!!!!!


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April 5th: Miguel Tejada added a go-ahead triple in the eighth inning as the Houston Astros beat the Cubs 4-3 Friday and sent Chicago to its third loss in four games.

April 7th: Cards trailed 3-0 after 8, got 3 in the top of the 9th off Valverde to tie it up, but Miggy hit a 2-run HR in the bottom of the 9th to win it.

Very un-clutch!

Good for Tejada. How many walkoff home runs did he have during his years with the Orioles? Or even game winning RBI? I remember a couple. Far more prevalent in my memory is double plays or strikeouts in "clutch" situations.

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Well, unlike you I know what I see. Tejada is one of the worst Oriole shortstops I have ever seen. Here is a list FYI of better ones that I saw and I don't need to look at stats they were clearly superior to Tejada:

1. Aparicio

2. Belanger

3. Cal

4. Bordick

5. Hernandez, Fahey, Gomez, Byum, the Batboy, the Ballgirl....

You should have stopped after #3.

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Good for Tejada. How many walkoff home runs did he have during his years with the Orioles? Or even game winning RBI? I remember a couple. Far more prevalent in my memory is double plays or strikeouts in "clutch" situations.

Not sure what's going on here, but if it came down to it I'd rather have:

Tejada out there defensively

Because it means I don't have to:

Put up with Luis Hernandez offensively.


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Weaver loved Belanger and Dempsey, yet today the board would be saying get rid of them they cant hit. Later in Blair's career (after the beaning) he didn't hit as well yet still played.

It is all about wins and sometime I feel Billy Beane forgets that.

See, that was in a different baseball era, and we had much better pitching and hitting than we d...ah, screw it.

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Not sure what's going on here, but if it came down to it I'd rather have:

Tejada out there defensively

Because it means I don't have to:

Put up with Luis Hernandez offensively.


I'll take LH's offense over Tejada's attitude and clubhouse presence any day. At least in the latter years of his time here.

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I'll take LH's offense over Tejada's attitude and clubhouse presence any day. At least in the latter years of his time here.

Same here. Plus I think his teamates realized he was a phony with the whole B-12 injection B.S.

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Well, unlike you I know what I see. Tejada is one of the worst Oriole shortstops I have ever seen. Here is a list FYI of better ones that I saw and I don't need to look at stats they were clearly superior to Tejada:

1. Aparicio

2. Belanger

3. Cal

4. Bordick

5. Hernandez, Fahey, Gomez, Byum, the Batboy, the Ballgirl....

LOL...Pardon me if I don't take think that highly of your opinion on this.

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So, fill me in. Dates, games where Tejada won the game for the Os with a walkoff.

Can't. Wait. To. See. It.

I'm not going to do that because I don't care. I was merely pointing out the absurdity of preferring to rely on your (biased) memory when you could use stats. They exist. People are actually paid to compile them and post 'em on teh internets.

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I'm not going to do that because I don't care. I was merely pointing out the absurdity of preferring to rely on your (biased) memory when you could use stats. They exist. People are actually paid to compile them and post 'em on teh internets.

OK, so you don't know.

When using the phrase "shooting fish in a barrel means," it's best to be able to offer up the evidence to actually effect the figurative shooting.

Until someone shows me otherwise, I'll rely on my memory of watching or listening to virtually every Os game Miggy played in. I do remember a few walkoffs, but not many. That's the type of thing I recall. Of course if my memory is faulty I am more than happy to admit that I am wrong when presented with the evidence. Which I haven't seen yet.

Oh yeah, relying on one's memory isn't "absurd." People do it all the time in all walks of life and for many tasks. If your memory isn't good enough to rely on, that's too bad. Mine typically is.

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Good for Tejada. How many walkoff home runs did he have during his years with the Orioles? Or even game winning RBI? I remember a couple. Far more prevalent in my memory is double plays or strikeouts in "clutch" situations.

In the 4 years Miggy was here, his OPS with RISP was in the 850 range...His BA was over 300.

He drove in 150 runs in his first season.

Of course, none of that was clutch! :rolleyes:

Some people on this board have alzhemiers when it comes to Miggy...It is absolutely amazing to me.

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In the 4 years Miggy was here, his OPS with RISP was in the 850 range...His BA was over 300.

He drove in 150 runs in his first season.

Of course, none of that was clutch! :rolleyes:

Some people on this board have alzhemiers when it comes to Miggy...It is absolutely amazing to me.

And some people elevate him to a status far superior than what he really was. He was an excellent bat and that was about it. Nothing else he did was impressive.

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