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Doc Shorebird Reports Day Five with Photos


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One of the joys of watching spring training is to watch batting practice. It can be somewhat like watching a HR Derby except that the players are supposed to be working on hitting line drives, not HR. Well, they also like to tag a few too. Even bottom-of-the-order guys hit HR in ST practice. However today, Mark Trumbo really put on a super-impressive display. When he hits, the ball sounds different. He is a powerful guy with great bat speed. A nice combination! When he connects – the ball travels. This morning he was launching balls into the woods behind the ball field. Dave Anderson asked me if I got a photo of the rocket launch and I am still not sure if he meant a real rocket launch at the Cape or Mark Trumbo.


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Every time I hear about an Oriole in spring training having a monster power display. I always think of Mel Proctor raving about this guy hitting homers through the wind.


Had a monster year for AAA Rochester in 1994 and didn't even get called up. Stupid strike!

Many thanks to Doc Shorebird for the reports and pics! I love ST!

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