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vs. RED SOX, 6/1


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"It's been embarrassing. I don't know how else to put it. Our performance on the road trip, 1-7, was pathetic ... I'm a very competitive individual. I think I've won a lot more than lost in my life. This baseball experience has been very frustrating, very embarrassing."

"To have a starter like (James) Shields perform as poorly as he did yesterday is an embarrassment to the team, an embarrassment to him."

"It's about as frustrating as it can get. In a normal environment, if you had performed as well as we have over the last three years, you'd probably be unemployed"

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An increased ability to focus won't help your ability to make solid contract?

Just because it won't add to the maximum distance you can hit a ball doesn't mean it won't have an impact.

No more so than someone with epilepsy taking anticonvulsants. Or a diabetic taking insulin. Or an asthmatic taking inhalers or wearing glasses to correct vision. Are they unfair advantages? I think not. It simply enables some one with a medical condition to be normal. Now, If CD didn't have the condition and was abusing stimulants,,then yeah.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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"It's been embarrassing. I don't know how else to put it. Our performance on the road trip, 1-7, was pathetic ... I'm a very competitive individual. I think I've won a lot more than lost in my life. This baseball experience has been very frustrating, very embarrassing."

"To have a starter like (James) Shields perform as poorly as he did yesterday is an embarrassment to the team, an embarrassment to him."

"It's about as frustrating as it can get. In a normal environment, if you had performed as well as we have over the last three years, you'd probably be unemployed"

Who said this?

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Keys break up shutout bid on a RBI single off the bat of Jomar Reyes. Reyes is now 3-for-3 tonight. 6-1 Nationals heading to the top of 8th</p>— Frederick Keys (@FrederickKeys) <a href="

">June 2, 2016</a></blockquote>

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