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2 outta 3


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Ya know, everyone says how great it is to get 2 outta 3 but I refuse to do cartwheels over it. So what has changed because we took 2 outta 3 from the Yankees? Practically nothing has changed. We separated one game from the Yankees. Whoopty doo. What about the Detroit Tigers? They are coming fast and furious for that 2nd wildcard spot and guess what? We are STILL tied with them for it after winning 2 outta 3 from New York. So excuse me for not wringing my hands together in excitement. Now had the Oriole bats not been embarrassingly putrid today, then Baltimore would have separated THREE GAMES from the Yankees. Now THAT would be substantial. Plus Baltimore would have a 1 game lead on Detroit but whatever. 2 outta 3 flat out doesn't change a whole lot.

Baltimore is 3 and-a-half games ahead of the Yankees.

3 in the loss column, and 4 in the win column.

So ........ is that substantial ???

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Ya know, everyone says how great it is to get 2 outta 3 but I refuse to do cartwheels over it. So what has changed because we took 2 outta 3 from the Yankees? Practically nothing has changed. We separated one game from the Yankees. Whoopty doo. What about the Detroit Tigers? They are coming fast and furious for that 2nd wildcard spot and guess what? We are STILL tied with them for it after winning 2 outta 3 from New York. So excuse me for not wringing my hands together in excitement. Now had the Oriole bats not been embarrassingly putrid today, then Baltimore would have separated THREE GAMES from the Yankees. Now THAT would be substantial. Plus Baltimore would have a 1 game lead on Detroit but whatever. 2 outta 3 flat out doesn't change a whole lot.

Big picture, 2 out of 3 is ALWAYS good. But, it is disappointing to lose the 3rd game of the series when you have a chance to sweep. That has now happened twice in a row, at a time when we are trying to hold onto the wild card lead, and run Boston / Toronto down, but you can't win them all...even when you feel like it's "must win" time of the year. Funny thing is, if we had lost the first or middle game of both series instead of the last game of eaxh series, you would feel a whole lot better about "just" winning 2 out of 3!

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Baltimore is 3 and-a-half games ahead of the Yankees.

3 in the loss column, and 4 in the win column.

So ........ is that substantial ???

I wasn't referring to how far they are behind us. I was referring to how far we separated from them from the beginning of game 1 to the ending of game 3. A sweep and you separate 3 games, its fairly substantial however taking 2 of 3 is only a 1 game separation.

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Two out of 3 when we faced a toothless offense and a horrible start by their pitcher today? No, you cant win em all, but with Bundy in the mound and riding some momentum we needed to close them out. So 2 out of 3 aint bad, but thats not good enough.

I agree. It isn't good enough if we want to catch the Red Sox to win the division, which is what I crave so much. I sincerely miss the Orioles who had three 7 game winning streaks in the 1st half of the season, please get hot boys :*(

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You might have wanted to take a look at the standings before you went on your little rant. Birds are 3.5 up on the Yankees in the standings and 3 up in the loss column.

I'm well aware of what I said. I didnt say we would be 3 games ahead in the standings. I said we would have separated 3 games by obtaining the sweep. I think my rant was justified, I understand that sweeps are difficult to achieve but have the Os had even ONE sweep in the 2nd half? We are not in a position of luxury. We are 2 games back and trying to play catch up vs serious contenders. Like so many others, I am just an Oriole fan who went through absolute misery for 15 seasons and stuck by them and after FINALLY getting back to the postseason I just want to go back again. It is fun and exciting to be in the division series and guaranteed atleast 3 games. The wildcard game scares the crap out of me. My frustration is out of love for my beloved Orioles and desperately wanting to win the AL East. I would think other passionate Os fans would respect that.

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Uh, make that 2.5 Not so substantial. The Yankees are in the thick of things. And this after trading away their top 2 relievers. But wait, isn't that against conventional wisdom? How can a team improve after being sellers at the trade deadline? Houston? The Dodgers losing Kershaw and catapulting into first? How is that possible? I'm told that teams can't improve by selling. Hmmm....

Go back to your cave, troll. Moving Chapman and Miller didn't make them any better for this year. The guys that are excelling now are players they already had.

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Uh, make that 2.5 Not so substantial. The Yankees are in the thick of things. And this after trading away their top 2 relievers. But wait, isn't that against conventional wisdom? How can a team improve after being sellers at the trade deadline? Houston? The Dodgers losing Kershaw and catapulting into first? How is that possible? I'm told that teams can't improve by selling. Hmmm....

What are you smoking?

The Dodgers acquired players and demoted one, how is that selling?

The Yankees are not in the thick of things, they are on the outside looking in.

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Uh, make that 2.5 Not so substantial. The Yankees are in the thick of things. And this after trading away their top 2 relievers. But wait, isn't that against conventional wisdom? How can a team improve after being sellers at the trade deadline? Houston? The Dodgers losing Kershaw and catapulting into first? How is that possible? I'm told that teams can't improve by selling. Hmmm....

I don't know if the Dodgers have catapulted into first, so much as they've played decent baseball while watching the Giants fall off a cliff (17-31 since the ASB). But in any event, good for them for weathering Kershaw's injury.

I certainly consider the Yankees to be right in the thick of things. I'm surprised at how well they've played since the trade deadline. They have the 2nd-best record in the AL since then, at 21-13.

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Ya know, everyone says how great it is to get 2 outta 3 but I refuse to do cartwheels over it. So what has changed because we took 2 outta 3 from the Yankees? Practically nothing has changed. We separated one game from the Yankees. Whoopty doo. What about the Detroit Tigers? They are coming fast and furious for that 2nd wildcard spot and guess what? We are STILL tied with them for it after winning 2 outta 3 from New York. So excuse me for not wringing my hands together in excitement. Now had the Oriole bats not been embarrassingly putrid today, then Baltimore would have separated THREE GAMES from the Yankees. Now THAT would be substantial. Plus Baltimore would have a 1 game lead on Detroit but whatever. 2 outta 3 flat out doesn't change a whole lot.

Baltimore is 3 and-a-half games ahead of the Yankees.

3 in the loss column, and 4 in the win column.

So ........ is that substantial ???

Uh, make that 2.5 Not so substantial. The Yankees are in the thick of things. And this after trading away their top 2 relievers. But wait, isn't that against conventional wisdom? How can a team improve after being sellers at the trade deadline? Houston? The Dodgers losing Kershaw and catapulting into first? How is that possible? I'm told that teams can't improve by selling. Hmmm....

Uh, it was 3 and-a-half when the OP started this thread, and when I made that post replying to it.

The OP asserted that 3 games of separation would have been substantial, while the Orioles were ahead of the Yankees by 3 and-a-half games.

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Uh, make that 2.5 Not so substantial. The Yankees are in the thick of things. And this after trading away their top 2 relievers. But wait, isn't that against conventional wisdom? How can a team improve after being sellers at the trade deadline? Houston? The Dodgers losing Kershaw, and catapulting into first? How is that possible? I'm told that teams can't improve by selling. Hmmm....

I don't know if the Dodgers have catapulted into first, so much as they've played decent baseball while watching the Giants fall off a cliff (17-31 since the ASB). But in any event, good for them for weathering Kershaw's injury.

I certainly consider the Yankees to be right in the thick of things. I'm surprised at how well they've played since the trade deadline. They have the 2nd-best record in the AL since then, at 21-13.

Also, he (Black Bat) is making the argument that teams can improve if they sell.

The Dodgers didn't "sell" Kershaw, they lost him due to injury.

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