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Roch: O's high on Frank Viola as pitching coach: Mills as bullpen coach


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With the crop of relievers we are going to have in AA this year, Mills should be there. But it shouldn't hold a guy back from a promotion.

I figured Mcdowell was probably a no go once it got mentioned that ATL thought he was going to be too hard on their young P's. I don't think Buck wants/needs that type of personality for the team.

I'd like to see this get figured out just so we can have something to talk about. haha

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Mills I can say is a guy that I talked with in Sarasota a couple years back, and he's definitely one of those guys that loves palling around with the fans and is very friendly and approachable.

If we're looking for another guy like Elrod was that's both a sentimental favorite and a guy that will be friendly to the fans in much the same vein, Mills is your guy.

I hope he gets the PC job.

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I hope he gets the PC job.

I think Mills gets the bullpen coach job or remains in Bowie. I don't see him getting the PC job. It sounds like it's between McDowell & Viola, but maybe there are others in the mix that we just aren't aware of. That could be why it's taking so long for them to make a decision. I want a resolution quickly just to have something to talk/get excited about, but as long as they get it right in the end, I'm okay with waiting a little longer if that's what it takes.

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