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Buster Olney: Orioles Hire Andy McPhail as COO! Girardi Appears Next!


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Well, if they hire Girardi, than they are getting a manager who last job, he was named Manager of the Year. The last time the Orioles had a successful season, they let there than manager go, who himself was named Manager of the Year.

So, they have come full circle...

Oh, wait! Holy mackrel... Girardi is an ex-Yankee!

I don't care if he's an ex-Yankee. This team needs a new face, and Girardi seems to be the best of the possible replacements for Perlozzo out there.

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Well, you knew they were going to get Girardi anyway....;)

Yup. But they still have to close the deal. Never a sure thing w/this franchise. :eek:

If they get him in here I'll give 'em a pass for the supidity of leaking so much info as he is the right guy for the job.

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The Orioles haven't said anything about Giardi, Buster Olney has.

I don't think (read: I hope) Buster Olney wouldn't be saying this if he weren't 100% certain that it was true...

I'm sure these guys get fed wrong info at times but even so...it must be pretty rock solid for Olney to get it and then for espn.com to print it and run with it.

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Another quick point here Geschinger you talked about good organizations not leaking information, and that when the Angels signed Guerrero that's when you first heard about them being interested in him.

Didn't the Orioles do the exact same thing with Tejada?

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I don't think (read: I hope) Buster Olney wouldn't be saying this if he weren't 100% certain that it was true...

I'm sure these guys get fed wrong info at times but even so...it must be pretty rock solid for Olney to get it and then for espn.com to print it and run with it.

Agree, but no one in the Orioles organization has said anything about Giardi.

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I don't care if he's an ex-Yankee. This team needs a new face, and Girardi seems to be the best of the possible replacements for Perlozzo out there.

I don't care either... but if you were, and I do believe you are... the grief Mazzilli got for being an ex-Yankee from posters on here was a bit over the top. I would always respond that Elrod Hendricks, Rick Dempsey and Scott MacGregor are ex-Yankees.

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Why would Flanagan and Duke be allowed to blow it up themselves if they are getting replaced themselves after the season?

The only explanation is that McPhail will take on a greater role in personnel decisions and any blowup will be spearheaded and approved him.

I'm not sure how good this is yet. I dont know how familiar he is with the players yet to decide on who to keep and get rid of. Also I'm not sure how this arrangement will work out with any new GMs we would look for.

Maybe the new two headed FO is McPhail as a COO with more baseball decisionmaking powers than Foss and a to be determined later GM that handles more of the day to day personnel management and communication with other clubs.

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Another quick point here Geschinger you talked about good organizations not leaking information, and that when the Angels signed Guerrero that's when you first heard about them being interested in him.

Didn't the Orioles do the exact same thing with Tejada?

I don't recall the specifics. Maybe. If so, then they should have treated negotiations with others the same way as he was the one good big name FA we landed. There is no benefit that I see to announcing interest in someone before you get the deal done. Only negative things come from that IMO.

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I don't think (read: I hope) Buster Olney wouldn't be saying this if he weren't 100% certain that it was true...

I'm sure these guys get fed wrong info at times but even so...it must be pretty rock solid for Olney to get it and then for espn.com to print it and run with it.

Yeah, just like how Olney had rock solid information that he reported on ESPN Radio just before the draft that the Royals had reached a contract agreement with Josh Vitters.
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I think McPhail becomes the "super-GM," i.e., he will set direction and all moves must be approved by him, even if Flanny and Duq are still here. I see no room for Flanagan in this organization under McPhail. Duq is questionable but McPhail had a GM under him in Chicago and Duq could fill that role.

I am all in favor of this.

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I don't care either... but if you were, and I do believe you are... the grief Mazzilli got for being an ex-Yankee from posters on here was a bit over the top. I would always respond that Elrod Hendricks, Rick Dempsey and Scott MacGregor are ex-Yankees.

Got? He STILL gets it from certain people.

Hank Bauer was an ex-Yankee, too. Plenty of people were ex-Yankees. If anything, Mazilli was an ex-Met. He had a cup of coffee with the Yankees as a player, and coaches, especially in this day and age, have no real ties to teams, only other coaches.

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