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Camden Depot: Jon Shepherd on Davis


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13 minutes ago, bobmc said:

I eat PB and bananas every day.  Any chance I can suffer the same fate?  Asking for my wife....:leaving:

But not the worst way to (pun intended) "go". 

To be completely fair, tell your wife the King's diet consisted of consistently um...more than a few PB and bananas daily.

Unless you are holding back on the doc here (Not a doc but my daughter has seen all 14 seasons of Grey's Anatomy) you should be fine.  And yes...there are worse ways to go.

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24 minutes ago, NashLumber said:

Interesting point about them being able to afford trotting him out there every day now that the season is a lost cause (and batting 4th or 5th - which just seems on the surface - under the surface and any way you slice it to be utterly insane).

I guess in some ways maybe it’s being considered a true test or experiment to see if this is the real Chris Davis and the largest of sample sizes to make a decision about releasing him eventually, whenever that is. 

It also kind of reminds me of the story (not sure if it’s true) that it was the opinion of the coroner that Elvis had been dead about three hours when they found him slumped on the toilet in Graceland with no pulse. The paramedics performed CPR on him anyway, which I guess is standard procedure. But he was long gone when they found him.  


20 minutes ago, bobmc said:

I eat PB and bananas every day.  Any chance I can suffer the same fate?  Asking for my wife....:leaving:

But not the worst way to (pun intended) "go". 

At some point, we may be saying “Chris Davis has left the building.”

It’s a pity he may be (metaphorically) taking away a lot of us with him, as far as having a lifetime love affair with the Orioles. They’ll always be my favorite team, but this ownership has left me with little desire to watch them on a regular basis (keeping the game on as background noise while I do more important things) as things currently stand. Even the 8 year old in me is saying “To hell with this. Give me a smart team to follow till they figure this madness out.” I’d rather watch Nick and Flaredog and their young cohorts  till they can right this mess. 

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10 minutes ago, foxfield said:

To be completely fair, tell your wife the King's diet consisted of consistently um...more than a few PB and bananas daily.

Unless you are holding back on the doc here (Not a doc but my daughter has seen all 14 seasons of Grey's Anatomy) you should be fine.  And yes...there are worse ways to go.

Elvis had a tremendous case of constipation. He was backed up in a major way. If I remember correctly, his arteries were clogged and probably was in need of some major bypass surgery had he survived. 


If someone can make a segue to Chris Davis here, I’d greatly appreciate it. 

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9 minutes ago, foxfield said:

To be completely fair, tell your wife the King's diet consisted of consistently um...more than a few PB and bananas daily.

Unless you are holding back on the doc here (Not a doc but my daughter has seen all 14 seasons of Grey's Anatomy) you should be fine.  And yes...there are worse ways to go.

Thanks!  I watched House so I got all caught up in the (King can relate) drugs and missed a lot of the medical miracles.  I did like "13" and her meandering around the block a bit also.  But, I digress and feel like I am hijacking an otherwise nice retreat on a rainy day here in normally sunny FL (that's not a complete sentence is it - lots of phrases?).

Would CD face the same fate as the King then with a Vyvanse -related episode?  I wonder if Grey's ever covered that.  Ambien is all the news today....

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5 minutes ago, NashLumber said:

Elvis had a tremendous case of constipation. He was backed up in a major way. If I remember correctly, his arteries were clogged and probably was in need of some major bypass surgery had he survived. 


If someone can make a segue to Chris Davis here, I’d greatly appreciate it. 

Like Chris Davis, Elvis was "trying" really really hard!

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9 minutes ago, NashLumber said:


At some point, we may be saying “Chris Davis has left the building.”

It’s a pity he may be (metaphorically) taking away a lot of us with him, as far as having a lifetime love affair with the Orioles. They’ll always be my favorite team, but this ownership has left me with little desire to watch them on a regular basis (keeping the game on as background noise while I do more important things) as things currently stand. Even the 8 year old in me is saying “To hell with this. Give me a smart team to follow till they figure this madness out.” I’d rather watch Nick and Flaredog and their young cohorts  till they can right this mess. 

Don't go.  An BTW, the Atlanta team broke every rule in the book. It has been a while since an executive and his boss were banned for life. 

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7 minutes ago, NashLumber said:

Elvis had a tremendous case of constipation. He was backed up in a major way. If I remember correctly, his arteries were clogged and probably was in need of some major bypass surgery had he survived. 


If someone can make a segue to Chris Davis here, I’d greatly appreciate it. 

If bypass surgery would fix Chris Davis, I'd insist on in in a heart beat. We are still a few seasons from mechanically augmented cyborg players. But not too far.  They could have  implanted the King  into a different body if only he had lived a half a century later.  My feeling is that Chris would refuse augmentation. Other than that that he embraced pre contract. This is truly Scott Boras at his finest.  Another kind of King.

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2 minutes ago, weams said:

If bypass surgery would fix Chris Davis, I'd insist on in in a heart beat. We are still a few seasons from mechanically augmented cyborg players. But not too far.  They could have  implanted the King  into a different body if only he had lived a half a century later.  My feeling is that Chris would refuse augmentation. Other than that that he embraced pre contract. This is truly Scott Boras at his finest.  Another kind of King.

Unfortunately, like Elvis in the state of his discovery...methinks Chris Davis is beyond the help of modern medicine.

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21 minutes ago, NashLumber said:


At some point, we may be saying “Chris Davis has left the building.”

It’s a pity he may be (metaphorically) taking away a lot of us with him, as far as having a lifetime love affair with the Orioles. They’ll always be my favorite team, but this ownership has left me with little desire to watch them on a regular basis (keeping the game on as background noise while I do more important things) as things currently stand. Even the 8 year old in me is saying “To hell with this. Give me a smart team to follow till they figure this madness out.” I’d rather watch Nick and Flaredog and their young cohorts  till they can right this mess. 

Not as often as we used to...thats for sure!!!! ;) 

And as for ending the love affair with the Orioles...you cant leave.  If you have been here as long as I think you have...you, like me are hooked.  If we could leave we would have left long ago.

I'm braced for it getting a lot worse than it is...but still believe it can get better.  And it will...I promise. ?


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32 minutes ago, TradeAngelos said:

The Duquette truthers just get proven wrong more and more, with every single day that goes by.

You know...what is difficult is when someone pisses in your corn flakes but serves em up saying only they are stale.

Seriously, if you are still sitting around here still saying it's all DD... You are out of your mind.

Seriously, if you are sitting around here still saying it's all Buck...You are out of your mind.

Seriously, if you are sitting around here still saying it's all Brady...You are out of your mind.



Ironic for a guy with a handle of TradeAngelos.  Because, this crap that we call the Orioles is a function of it's owner.  DD is a proven baseball guy, that's a fact.  So is Buck.  I can't attest to Brady other than to say this...I believe in my heart that he loves the Orioles and wants very much for them to win.  He also loves the owner and supports him unfailingly.

You can't handle the truth. This is a team that any normal person said go all in or rebuild as early as last trading deadline.  This team has taken a um....different path.  A path of just saying.....We are going for it!  To the tune of $160M.  GM no contract beyond this year?  No problem... Manager with no contract?  No problem...Best player in 25 years in last year of contract?  No problem.  Closer.....no problem...You get the point.

I'm sorry, you are looking at a train wreck where large stretches of track were removed and while staring at the wreckage you are saying, the engineer has been exposed.

No sir, anyone who is a fan of DD, rests secure knowing that he will receive his freedom from Baltimore at the expiration of his contract.  But more importantly, anyone who thinks that what is wrong here will be fixed upon his departure...is going to be mistaken.

Very. Sadly. Mistaken.


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