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A few nuggets....


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What I want to know is why he's calling out the rookie pitcher on the pitch selection and not the veteran catcher who was also involved in other poor plays in the game?

Maybe because Olson is the only one of those two that holds any value to this team beyond this year, and maybe beyond two weeks from now.

Olson is probably a part of the future of this team and Ramon is not. Ramon is making a lot of mistakes right now and is repeating them. I know that Olson knows that he is making mistakes as well, but I am guessing that Trembley is letting him know that he better make some progress in correcting them. It was not that bad of a criticism, and maybe it will light a fire under him. Then again, it could always go the other way, but I think he is mentally stronger than that.

Like the Phil Jackson comparison, strategically break him down, then hope he builds himself back up better. We'll see.

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You think I was calling you a "sissy"?

Really? Is that what you think?

FYI, in sailor parlance "tender" refers to a sailboat that easily gets knocked off-center, and lists to one side, based on just a very little bit of weather.

In your example, the word would be a noun. However, you instead used it as an adjective, hence his objection.
Well, aren't we touchy?

Touchy, touchy, touchy...

(In sailor parlance, they call that being "tender".)

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A lot of people are saying that Trembley has made a difference with this team. Considering we're in last place, I was kinda curious what everyone is referring too. Not trying to troll or cause trouble, I'm just genuinely curious. Is it because we're only a couple games below .500?

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A lot of people are saying that Trembley has made a difference with this team. Considering we're in last place, I was kinda curious what everyone is referring too. Not trying to troll or cause trouble, I'm just genuinely curious. Is it because we're only a couple games below .500?

The majority of the pundits picked the Orioles to be one of the 3-4 worst teams in all of baseball. Even after a losing skid, the team is in the middle of the pack in baseball. This team has had several comeback wins and a rarely overmatched and not competitive. There's no question this team has overacheived this year.

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Did he really? Wow

I did forget about Odom. Pedro is right that he has called him out before.

I don't see that sort of thing working with Gasol. He doesn't seem to be that type of personality. I think you have to be an "f you, I'll show you" type for this to have a chance of working.

BTW, I also agree that Parcells did this sort of stuff. We should also note that Parcell's act wears thin pretty quickly in the best of times and that it clearly hasn't worked to date with Jason Taylor in Miami either. I'm a huge Dolphins' fan since I was 5. This new regime should be interesting. I'd be scared to death about Parcells except that the team clearly needs to be leveled and re-built so there isn't much to lose except time. He is a great mind, but I can see him getting it to a point and moving on in a couple years when nobody can stand the sight of him.

Pau played much better after the comment.

Please define pretty quicky.

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Good news all around, except for Trembley. Not sure what the hell else they expect the man to do? Is there ANY reason whatsoever we have not pulled the trigger already on Bradford to Milwaukee for Hall + someone? Good info BB...thanks!

Agreed the Trembley not being resigned is absurd. Not doubting Big Birds source but the organizations sanity, He has done a great job.

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A lot of people are saying that Trembley has made a difference with this team. Considering we're in last place, I was kinda curious what everyone is referring too. Not trying to troll or cause trouble, I'm just genuinely curious. Is it because we're only a couple games below .500?

We were supposed to be in last place and lose 100 games. We traded our best pitcher and best hitter. We were supposed to stink and do not.

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Did he really? I thought Gasol was fairly non-existent in the last game in Boston, but I admit that I was traveling a lot during that series so I wasn't fully locked in.

Looking at his stats for the series, his best game was game 5 but he also has good stats in Games 1, 2, and 4. Honestly, his stats aren't even that bad in the last game except for the turnovers.

When did Jackson make the comment?


I honestly don't recall when he made the comment. I recall he played a lot more aggresively after that though.

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In your example, the word would be a noun. However, you instead used it as an adjective, hence his objection.

No, that's not true. In sailor parlance, "tender" it is an adjective, a descriptor for a sailboat which heels over in a breeze or slight wind. Some sailboats are described as "being tender".

The noun can refer to a ship or boat (or a railroad car) that carries supplies for others. For example, a ship that supplies other ships at sea with provisions, or the railroad car immediately behind the steam locomotive that carries fuel (wood or coal, depending). But that's a homograph: different word that has the same spelling.

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A lot of people are saying that Trembley has made a difference with this team. Considering we're in last place, I was kinda curious what everyone is referring too. Not trying to troll or cause trouble, I'm just genuinely curious. Is it because we're only a couple games below .500?

Saying we're in last place is too simplistic an interpretation. If we were in the NL West and in the race, would your view of this team be drastically different despite the fact we'd be the exact same team? We were supposed to be awful but have managed to be just about average and have played hard nearly every game. I don't see how anyone couldn't notice the difference between Trembley and Perlozzo.

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Sorry, but I disagree. Trembley has addressed these issues and he does it through personally talking to players as well as working through his coaches like John Shelby, who's in charge of base running.

The coaches can not go out there and make runners use common sense on the base paths. Mora by himself has always been this kind of player. He's never been a good base runner and takes way too many chances on the base paths in poor situation.

Some of the mistakes on the base paths this year have been because of over aggressiveness and a lot of that comes from the fact that the team is not exactly an offensive juggernaut and even when they are scoring they know with their current starting rotation that they better score a lot.

For the most part, the team seems very sound fundamentally in the field and the only blemish has been the terrible base running, which to me has more to do with the players than the coaching staff.

Seriously, if you don''t know how to run the bases by the time you reach the majors, no coaching is going to get through now.

I could not agree with you more, Tony. If Trembley's not a lock, it should only be because the front office wants to see the team run hard through the tape for him. Assuming they do, he deserves to come back, and if he isn't, I'll frankly be disgusted.

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I could not agree with you more, Tony. If Trembley's not a lock, it should only be because the front office wants to see the team run hard through the tape for him. Assuming they do, he deserves to come back, and if he isn't, I'll frankly be disgusted.

...but that's the whole point: you're saying he would be a 'lock' based on some condition. So by that definition he's not a lock.

Some people might be equating, "not a lock to return" with "he will not return".

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...but that's the whole point: you're saying he would be a 'lock' based on some condition. So by that definition he's not a lock.

Some people might be equating, "not a lock to return" with "he will not return".

I think that most feel he is lock based on what he has already done. If there is some other milestone he needs to reach out there , I dont know what it is, because he is clearly taking a team with lesser talent and making them believe that they are never out of any game... case in point this evening.

He's not a miracle worker, give him another year and give him some talent.

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