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I don't get why Trembley wouldn't be a lock to return next year.

Despite all the love people heap on the man on OH and in the O's clubhouse, the team is one of the most fundamentally unsound teams I've ever watched play the game.

Between poor baserunning and poor defense and all around horrible baseball IQ, it would be hard as an objective observer to not find fault with the coaching staff. Especially given the fact that Trembley seems unwilling or incapable of actually holding anyone responsible for anything negative that they do.

Now before people tar an feather me, I like Trembley a lot. I think he's gotten the most out of this particular group of players that could be expected and if we had the personnel and were trying to win right now, I'd like to see him back.

But as the O's move through the rebuilding process, I'd like to see a manager who holds his players responsible for their mistakes and isn't afraid to bench anyone (regardless of popularity, veteran status or whatever) if their level of play or lack of hustle dicates.

I feel like too much has been made of the clubhouse atmosphere with the O's this season. At the end of the day we're a sub .500 team in last place in our division and making enough fundamental baseball mistakes on a game by game basis that opposing team's commentators are shocked and openly comment on how bad we are after only watching us for 3 or 4 games.

As the manager, Trembely didn't choose the players he had to work with, but he certainly is responsible for coaching fundamentals like baserunning, defense, hustling and making smart game decisions. The only measure of his success can be how the O's perform in those disciplines and by any measure I'd give them a solid "F" on fundamentals thus far in 2008.

So I'm not shocked (or dismayed) by BBs revelation on this point at all. I am saddened that Trem hasn't addressed these issues and thereby potentially saved his job.

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Read into these as little or as much as you want....

Trembley is not a lock to return in 2009if Belkast or any of the other guys have heard anything recently....

I have a very hard time believing that. That would go against everything I've heard and there is absolutely no possible reason on earth to not sign Trembley up long term.

If Trembley was not brought back I'd be shocked, outraged, and would need to hear a pretty darn good reason from MacPhail as to why.

Actually, I can't even fathom that unless there are some underlying issues that we're not aware of.

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What would make a better manager in your opinion? The only thing I can think of is someone with a little better bullpen management and with a little more "fire" (see: gets in more arguments over blown calls)...

Perfect. We need Ozzie!

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Despite all the love people heap on the man on OH and in the O's clubhouse, the team is one of the most fundamentally unsound teams I've ever watched play the game.

Between poor baserunning and poor defense and all around horrible baseball IQ, it would be hard as an objective observer to not find fault with the coaching staff. Especially given the fact that Trembley seems unwilling or incapable of actually holding anyone responsible for anything negative that they do.

Now before people tar an feather me, I like Trembley a lot. I think he's gotten the most out of this particular group of players that could be expected and if we had the personnel and were trying to win right now, I'd like to see him back.

But as the O's move through the rebuilding process, I'd like to see a manager who holds his players responsible for their mistakes and isn't afraid to bench anyone (regardless of popularity, veteran status or whatever) if their level of play or lack of hustle dicates.

I feel like too much has been made of the clubhouse atmosphere with the O's this season. At the end of the day we're a sub .500 team in last place in our division and making enough fundamental baseball mistakes on a game by game basis that opposing team's commentators are shocked and openly comment on how bad we are after only watching us for 3 or 4 games.

As the manager, Trembely didn't choose the players he had to work with, but he certainly is responsible for coaching fundamentals like baserunning, defense, hustling and making smart game decisions. The only measure of his success can be how the O's perform in those disciplines and by any measure I'd give them a solid "F" on fundamentals thus far in 2008.

So I'm not shocked (or dismayed) by BBs revelation on this point at all. I am saddened that Trem hasn't addressed these issues and thereby potentially saved his job.

You can't teach old dogs new tricks, and his managing style alone (no fear, accountability, respect for the game) is what this team needs.

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OK Bill Hall

Why haven't we made this deal? I'd consider it a no brainer. SS or 3B hes better than anyone we have.

True, but he's not that much better. He's 28 and only has marginally better numbers than Mora, and Mora has better clutch numbers and maybe an extra home run or two. I guess Hall could play shortstop, but he doesn't appear to be any kind of long-term solution at either 3B or SS. The O's should demand a pretty solid prospect to go with a trade of Bradford for Hall. Otherwise just trade Bradford for good prospects and forget Hall.

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Hall is signed for 2-3 more years at around 4-5 million a year if I am remembering correctly...

Thanks BB .... Just getting ahead of myself I guess, but I would be very surprised if we get a better offer for Bradford.

I dony mind the contract as we have no one in our system for SS & I dont have a great deal of faith in our 3B near future either.

Plus it looks like he could play anywhere you put him!

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I have a very hard time believing that. That would go against everything I've heard and there is absolutely no possible reason on earth to not sign Trembley up long term.

If Trembley was not brought back I'd be shocked, outraged, and would need to hear a pretty darn good reason from MacPhail as to why.

Actually, I can't even fathom that unless there are some underlying issues that we're not aware of.

Besides the "everything I've heard" since obviously I don't have any ins, this is exactly how I feel.

Especially if it's to resume a pursuit of Girardi, who can't seem to hold a manager job for long and FREAKING SNUBBED US ONCE ALREADY.

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Our base running stinks. Use of the bullpen is questionable. In play decisions by players is also bad. These things should be corrected and they're not.

We have bad players. Bad players are bad because they a) don't have much talent and b) make bad decisions. Expecting good results from BAD players is ludicrous. The best way to correct bonehead plays is to get rid of the boneheads. Is DT telling Ramon to loaf around the bases? Is he telling Mora to (the prime culprit) to do half of the crazy things he does?

Brob is a good base runner. Markakis is a good baserunner. AJ is a good baserunner. Notice a trend? They don't stink. We need to understand that we stink because we don't have talent. Blaming the manager is the easiest cop-out in sports.

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True, but he's not that much better. He's 28 and only has marginally better numbers than Mora, and Mora has better clutch numbers and maybe an extra home run or two. I guess Hall could play shortstop, but he doesn't appear to be any kind of long-term solution at either 3B or SS. The O's should demand a pretty solid prospect to go with a trade of Bradford for Hall. Otherwise just trade Bradford for good prospects and forget Hall.

And we're going to get good prospects for Bradford how?

Guy's a ROOGY. Teams don't give up great prospects for a ROOGY.

When he gets traded for anything higher than a B-. call me.

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Read into these as little or as much as you want....

Trembley is not a lock to return in 2009

Bradford may well be the first guy traded. The Brewers are interested and are rumored to be offering Hall and a low level prospect. LAD may also be interested depending on how Broxton does in the closers role for them over the next 2 weeks.

We hope to find a taker for Walker too.

We will eat a chunk of Ramon Hernandez's 2009 contract but have yet to find any takers.

It will take 2 major league ready young players to get Sherrill. Lots of interest since the AS game.

With the current state of the starting staff don't look for Cabrera to be traded.

Not much talk about Millar.

Mets have scouted Payton.

Wondering if Belkast or any of the other guys have heard anything recently....

Thanks bigbird.

I can honestly say I'm not surprised that Millar and Hernandez aren't drawing much interest. And to tell you the truth, I'm surprised that any team is scouting Payton.

I'm scratching my head over the Bradford-Hall trade. If this is true, MacPhail needs to pull the trigger TODAY. MLBTradeRumors.com called Melvin Mora the worst starting 3B in the league, and they're not far from the truth.

As much as I like Trembley, I don't think he walks on water. I can't say the same for the rest of our posters. :D

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