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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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5 minutes ago, Natty said:

Are you saying that besides a fully guaranteed money contract, Davis cant be sent to the minors for rehab assignment? 

It’s not rehab unless your injured.   They’d have to find some plausible excuse to DL him.   Being terrible isn’t sufficient reason.    Of course, they were able to find an excuse for Tillman, so maybe they can find one for Davis.    He’d probably need to cooperate with the idea that he’s injured.

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Just now, Natty said:

Put him on DL for psychological reasons. Can't hit. It's psychological...That can be loosely considered physical right? Your head is part of your physical anatomy...

And if he says he's fine what do you do?


Players have been put on the DL for psychological reasons so that part of the plan is fine.

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10 minutes ago, weams said:

Gary has made multiple comments. "How much longer can they let this go on?"  etc...

It’s one thing to make a comment, and it’s another thing to ask a direct question to the people responsible for making those decisions.    They’re afraid to do the latter.    Of course, Buck’s not going to give a fullsome answer anyway.    He’ll just say, “Chris knows he needs to be better than this.   He knows the score.    I know he’s capable of being better than this and he’s working hard on it.”    And frankly, that’s the type of answer he probably should give.    What’s he going to say — “he’s got one more week and then we’re going to bench him?”     Or “never, because Mr. Angelos has to pay him another $100 mm and I told him to sign that contract?”

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

It’s one thing to make a comment, and it’s another thing to ask a direct question to the people responsible for making those decisions.    They’re afraid to do the latter.    Of course, Buck’s not going to give a fullsome answer anyway.    He’ll just say, “Chris knows he needs to be better than this.   He knows the score.    I know he’s capable of being better than this and he’s working hard on it.”    And frankly, that’s the type of answer he probably should give.    What’s he going to say — “he’s got one more week and then we’re going to bench him?”     Or “never, because Mr. Angelos has to pay him another $100 mm and I told him to sign that contract?”


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Bench him. We have several others who can play first base...Maybe It's demoralizing the entire team watching Davis stink it up at an all time record pace of not hitting. Let's see if we get better after Davis sits out 30 days.

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6 minutes ago, Natty said:

Bench him. We have several others who can play first base...Maybe It's demoralizing the entire team watching Davis stink it up at an all time record pace of not hitting. Let's see if we get better after Davis sits out 30 days.

Might need to fire Buck first to make that happen and I would be good with that.  I'm sure there are people in the organization who want to bench Davis or at least reduce his role to part time.

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35 minutes ago, Natty said:

Are you saying that besides a fully guaranteed money contract, Davis cant be sent to the minors for rehab assignment? 

Only if he and his agent agree that he is injured. 

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33 minutes ago, weams said:


Davis constantly guesses wrong and lets softball pitches go every game, practically. He's the easiest out in baseball. I used to think he had a concentration problem. Now I think he knows his swing is too slow to catch up, so he guesses pre pitch wether to swing or now.  

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42 minutes ago, Natty said:

Put him on DL for psychological reasons. Can't hit. It's psychological...That can be loosely considered physical right? Your head is part of your physical anatomy...


41 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

And if he says he's fine what do you do?



Tell him he’s bonkers. Crazy. One fry short of a Happy Meal. The guts of the team. 

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