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What can bring the fans back?


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19 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

Who knows.

I mean, I'd be curious to see how many fans could name the 1:1 guy we pick this year.  We need to remember that we (Orioles Hangout) represent a small, small portion of the Orioles fanbase.  We are the diehards.  We're the ones who know if Martin Cervenka has a case of the trots cause he had some bad oysters on Friday night.  

Not everyone at OPACY is like that.  There are the corporate schmucks who are there to entertain clients and aren't paying attention to the game.  There are the families that are looking for something to do and have a casual interest in baseball.  There are people who are slowly getting into the game and learning.  Hell, I'm a diehard and I'll be lucky to go to one game this year.  

Winning cures everything, there's no way around it.  You get the attention of the causal fans, you get the attention of the dolts who think catching a game at OPACY is the cool thing to do and they don't know why.  I worked with a guy like that, he was insufferable.  Didn't care about sports but if the Nats were winning or if the Caps were in the playoffs all of a sudden he'd want to go to a game to say he went.  Didn't know what he was looking at.  But I digress.

I think if you do things like lower concessions you get some people who were on the fence about going, but I don't think it'll swing a lot of fans into coming.  Winning cures everything, no other way around it.


If I still lived in Baltimore I'd probably go to at least 10 to 15 games. If I can hack 1988, I can handle this year.

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9 hours ago, Philip said:

My wife can’t handle planes and we never want to be apart. So unless something surprising happens, i won’t go without her and she won’t go so that’s that.

regarding the traditional Hot Dog and Beer, who wouldn’t miss them? I love that OPACY hasn’t been changed to Bayer Asprin field or Kia Motors Park.

It’s tradition, and I hate it when tradition is tossed in favor of a few extra bucks.

Amtrak rail system is an alternative to flying.

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20 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

Just winning.  

This^, in addition to competent leadership will do the trick. Win a lot of baseball games consistently and have a front office / ownership group that doesn't do things like push away HOF pitching talents, downgrade from Cruz to Snider on the heels of the best Orioles team in nearly two decades, absolutely refuse to participate in a meaningful way in the international market...because reasons, etc.  Build a strong farm that consistently produces players that fans can get excited about.

If the Orioles as an organization would just willingly put their best foot forward everyday and stop willfully hamstringing themselves, are we even having this conversation? I have high hopes that the new leadership will right the ship.

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1 hour ago, DrungoHazewood said:

1) So you do have a price.

2) I wonder how many acronyms have become hallowed traditions?

That’s an illogical conclusion, I am saying that other people make the decision to trade tradition for a few extra bucks, and I’m saying that I disapprove of it.

Nothing that I said indicates that I support it, “if the price is right”.  So there are no grounds for you to claim that I have a price. Some traditions are in themselves bad and should be changed, I am certainly no slave to habit.

But I can’t imagine anybody being happy about the name of Camden yards being changed for the sake of advertising.

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