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The Rubber Match (vs. RED SOX, 7/21)


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2 minutes ago, LA2 said:

I loved my pipe. Loved talking in a circle with other pipe smokers. But I had to quit about 15 years ago for my health. Losing my smoker's cough has definitely been worth it, although my doctor says the years of smoking may be why I get bronchitis so often still.

I've been enjoying cigars a little too much lately.

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1 minute ago, scOtt said:

I've tried a pipe a few times...

I used to squeeze cigarette butts out into a little metal pipe and smoke it. Nothing was wasted. Quit five years ago and haven't looked back. Only side effect I had was an explosion of canker sores a few weeks later that lasted about a month. I went through a lot of alum getting rid of them. Fortunately, that stopped. Very annoying.

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