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Farewell OH


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50 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Yes, the Hangout will continue. I was talking about the opening left by Luke.

Yeah, I got that part. Saying you had an opening sort of implied you would be continuing with The Hangout. Guess I missed the announcement. Thanks for clarification

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Thank you for all your contributions, Luke, and best of luck in the new gig. I’m very excited that the Orioles have enlisted your talents to identify and develop talent, though we will all sorely miss your talents here. You and Tony formed a really tremendous team in evaluating and communicating about some of the young players within the system - having two really educated opinions on these players was quite enlightening.

Thanks for all the work that you have - and the other folks that own and run this site continue to - put in to make this work; it’s a one of a kind community here.

Hope you’ll check in on occasion, just to say hello. Best of luck. We all expect championships. Plural. But no pressure ?

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