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MLB Lockout Thread


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Interesting question.

The Orioles never put tickets for "opening day" for sale. Now that they formally announced that the first 2 series are canceled, that means technically as of right now whenever this ends, Opening Day tickets would be available. Hypothetically Baseball really works hard to maintain Jackie Robinson Day and they only cancel the first 4 series of the year and "Opening Day" becomes that Friday. What would happen to those who purchase Opening Day packages versus just the single day. Would this become a big mess?

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This is the fault of the owners and their greed.

Team payrolls are not keeping up with team revenues. The owners' share of the pie is increasing, and they are willing to tank the sport to keep it that way. They don't care if the employees, fans, local economies are hurt.

There's no justifiable reason for the owners to refuse to negotiate for 6 weeks and then be rushing around like this with self-imposed deadlines. It's pathetic and greedy.

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23 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Nor should they. They do not own the business. They are workers. They make a lot of money.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2020, the average US income came in at $84,352 per year (before taxes). 

MLB's proposal starts at $640,000, increasing $10,000 each year through 2026 (to $680,000). That's almost 8 times the amount of the American worker and that's the entry pay level. According to recent data, MLB players in 2021 earn an average income of $4.17 million, however, the median income of $1.1 million shows a totally different picture.

So the median income is over ten times of the American worker.

So why in the world would anyone cry poor that works for that money. Lets not forget they get $102/day meal money on the road and not less than 30/day if provided by the team. They all can get endorsement deals to make more money.

So besides being raped by state and federal government in taxes, why should you people "for the workers" be up and arms for the players here? 

Owners are mostly rich jerks. Sure, and they get that way by trying to keep as much money as possible. I could really care less about whether they keep more money or players get more, but what is laughable is trying to make the players out like they aren't making a living wage. It's ridiculous.

Players aren’t just workers, they’re also the product being sold (and even if you replaced them with other players, the players are still the product).

I’m going to be honest, your overall reply shows reads as very condescending  towards “workers”. In true capitalism owners wouldn’t be making any profit (but rather a wage they would pay themselves). 

Regardless fair wage and living wage aren’t synonyms. The fact that the players receive (much) more then a living wage, has nothing to do with it being an unfair offer. Fair wage is based on revenue. 

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The players are making a ton of $ with guaranteed contracts. They are not co-owners and have no right to a certain % of revenues.  If teams lose $ this year, will players give their salary back to the team? The owners got to be billionaires by being greedy.  That is not a crime.

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24 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Owners are mostly rich jerks. Sure, and they get that way by trying to keep as much money as possible. I could really care less about whether they keep more money or players get more, but what is laughable is trying to make the players out like they aren't making a living wage. It's ridiculous.

Are you seeing folks implying the players aren't making a living wage? It's more about the proportional fairness than about players being in financial trouble as individuals. 

Though, a pretty decent portion of players may only play a couple seasons at the MLB level, live on a minor league salary in their other years, and ultimately hit the job market without having really developed other skills. So everybody on an MLB team is making a ton of money at that moment, but not every player is set for life after making the league. It can just seem like they're all multimillionaires since we spend most of our time thinking about the more successful players. 

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1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

Try not to be a condescending jerkoff. Telling me to find a safes pace is being condescending and considering the shit I've done in my life, you can take that somewhere else. 

Secondly, getting pissed off by something and having your feelings hurt are two different things. I realize that's a foreign concept to someone with your lack of self awareness since you belong to the woke crowd.

I suggest you don't reply because it's taking everything I have not to give you a break for being so disrespectful to me. TRUST me, you want to walk away. 


Message received. I would want someone to tell me if I seemed to be whining like a child and telling grown adults that they should STFU because I don't agree with their reasoned opinion, but obviously you run things your way. I would have made the same comment to others here and if I were in your position, I would be embarrassed if people felt that they had to treat me with kid gloves because I ran the site. Keep throwing your shots about the woke crowd. 

I don't see how being pissed off by something is different than having ones feelings hurt. In my mind when you are pissed off, you are feeling anger, ergo your feelings are being hurt.

You have a minority opinion about who should give in on the collective bargaining agreement, but you should be able to express it like a grownup and not hide behind the shit you have done in your life when someone calls you out on your inability to do so. Surrounding yourself only by people who agree with you is no way to grow as a person and I hope you realize that before you chase even more people off of this site. 

If you don't want me to post anymore just say the word. I have been here for 18 years, but if you can't handle light teasing, maybe it is for the best that I join the dozens of other people you have chased off. 

Back to the topic at hand, public opinion seems to be strongly against ownership, hopefully things resolve quickly either way.

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If you want to win the PR war, the MLBPA should send someone (I guess Tony Clark) up there and pick apart each line item by Manfred in his press conference.  Address each point and why you feel it’s not fair.

Manfred is definitely trying to sell the idea that he is trying to do more for competitive balance.  In some ways he is.  In most ways he’s not.  

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2 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

So ownership is trying to spin it to make it sound like a deal was close but the Union decided to increase their demands at the last moment.


The one thing I don't get is how Heyman was the one trying to sell the owners' narrative.   Isn't he supposed to be joined at the hip with Boras?   Wouldn't he more likely side with the players?

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Here's my problem and I should probably take a nap! I enjoy the back and forth on this site and I understand it's Tony's money and Tony's baby. I also agree with much of what Tony has to say and respect the value he brings with his evaluation of all the players especially those up and coming through the system. As an old guy that has been through a lot in over 8 decades, I wish Tony would ease up on his active back and forth on topics like this on this site.  i appaud those that converse in  an adult manner. Maybe I'm alone, but it isn't a good look for the owner to be debating/arguing with the people that come here regardless of whether you agree with them or not. Please, let's all realize there are two sides to the story here and take a breath. 

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