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Grayson Rodriguez 2022


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2 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:

Presumably because of the missed season in 2020. He threw 80 or more pitches 6 times last season and 11 times in 2019 (90+ in 3 of those outings). 

I do think they have been overly cautious with him, I hope he is throwing 90+ pitches  by the time he is stretched out but I am not holding my breath.

He was throwing in 2020.  It isn't as if he was hurt and couldn't throw.

Yes sim games against the same guys over and over isn't the same as actual games but it isn't as if he was playing CS on his Xbox all year.

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19 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

He was throwing in 2020.  It isn't as if he was hurt and couldn't throw.

Yes sim games against the same guys over and over isn't the same as actual games but it isn't as if he was playing CS on his Xbox all year.

I agree. I don't think there is any upside in having him throw so few pitches per outing. I just wanted to point out that be was throwing more pitches per start in 2019.

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2 hours ago, yark14 said:

You mean to reach the service time threshold?

No, because he only needs one more AAA start to reach that threshold.  He could be called up on April 18 and not reach a full year of service.  My guess is they’ll keep him down a little longer than that just so they won’t be 100% transparently keeping him down for service time reasons.   

That to one side, I’m happy to see him quickly adjust to the AAA ball and have a dominant first outing.   Let’s see him give the O’s no choice but to bring him up.   

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1 hour ago, baltfan said:

Anyone catch any radar readings?.  Every pitch I see is offspeed.

In the opening post, JustD said he got up to 97. Announcers said that he was only hitting 94-95 on his fastball, per the stadium gun. No info on how accurate that gun is, though. Not that he seemed to need more than that.

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2 hours ago, MurphDogg said:

In the opening post, JustD said he got up to 97. Announcers said that he was only hitting 94-95 on his fastball, per the stadium gun. No info on how accurate that gun is, though. Not that he seemed to need more than that.

It’s accurate. Was there and Norfolk has a slower gun. Fluid release point and motion. I’m in love with what I saw. Kid is going to be a stud 

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Grayson is going to be on an innings limit for the season.  I would rather see him pitch more games than go deep in games this season.   Five innings  per game would be great by me.

Same with Tyler Wells and Bradish.  Means and Lyles are the ones I would like to see go deep in games.

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1 hour ago, wildcard said:

Grayson is going to be on an innings limit for the season.  

Especially while he’s in the minors.  The O’s will want to save as many innings as they can for use in the majors.   I have to say, it’s great to see him throw only 61 pitches in 4 innings right out of the box.  

I do wonder how he’ll look at pitches 75-100 once they unleash the beast.  

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He was interviewed before the game today, by the Tides broadcaster. 

He talked about how last night he had his fastball “in his back pocket” and the changeup was working, and he was able to get a lot of swings and misses on those two pitches.  
He did talk about having had some debut jitters (“I was a little amped up”) but got over that after that first walk.  

He didn’t have any issues with the rain delay because it was so short, and they worked that out as far as warming up beforehand.

He’s okay with both cold or hot weather; velocity is better when it’s warm, but hitters don’t like being in the box too long when it’s cold.  He takes advantage of both. 

He says his key to the changeup is keeping it down in the zone to keep it from being “eye candy for the hitter.” 😄 Up in the zone with FBs and changeups down low to keep them off balance. 

He says he just developed that changeup the last couple seasons.  Had been throwing curveballs and sliders since high school, so he’s comfortable with those but his pitch selection changes game to game based on who he’s facing and other things. 

He’s got some custom basketball shoes coming for his next starts, he prefers the support of high tops. 

His dad played baseball in college, an OF in West Texas, so he really focused just on baseball as a kid, a position player (SS, 3B, 1B) all the way until his last year of HS, becoming a pitcher bc of his velocity.  He doesn’t miss hitting tho. 

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On 4/9/2022 at 6:00 AM, Frobby said:

Especially while he’s in the minors.  The O’s will want to save as many innings as they can for use in the majors. 

I sure hope so!  Grayson's the guy I'm looking forward to the most.  

On 4/9/2022 at 8:46 PM, Tony-OH said:

He is the closest thing to sure thing that I've seen come out of the Orioles system since I've been covering them.

All we need to see is how he looks up to 100 pitches.


Mostly just bumping this thread prepping for his next start!  :)

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9 hours from gametime, Minorleaguebaseball still calling Norfolk TBD but if my Friday-Thursday-Wednesday-Tuesday-Monday at Camden Yards hope is correct, it will be his day today.    

Deivi Garcia for Yankees AAA and as we saw with Bradish Tuesday, they have a bunch of guys with MLB experience all the way to the bottom of the lineup.

It is certainly in play AAA lineups could rough him up and slow things down based on performance outcomes.

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4 hours ago, Just Regular said:

9 hours from gametime, Minorleaguebaseball still calling Norfolk TBD but if my Friday-Thursday-Wednesday-Tuesday-Monday at Camden Yards hope is correct, it will be his day today.    

Deivi Garcia for Yankees AAA and as we saw with Bradish Tuesday, they have a bunch of guys with MLB experience all the way to the bottom of the lineup.

It is certainly in play AAA lineups could rough him up and slow things down based on performance outcomes.

They have him listed as the Tides starter today on their website Might be some strain passing thru but should clear around game time. 

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