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ESPN's Ravech: Teixeira has "enormous attraction to the Orioles" Close to signing


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Guest rbrhett
Gammons still reporting it's between the Angels and Red Sox and that Peter Angelos is not "inclinied" to match the offers from those two.

If Teixeira signs with the Orioles he will have lost a lot of credibility.

I don't know if he still has a lot of credibility. Everyone knows Gammons is a Sox homer. If you listen to any national sports talk radio, with the exception of ESPN and their sycophants, he is bashed constantly.

Baseball Tonight and the ESPN baseball group do not have the monopoly on good baseball reporting or insider information anymore.

Gammons may be right, but I think PA knows what is at stake with Tex and would like to bring Tex to Baltimore. He doesn't set the market. And besides, I think we all forget that until after 1997, PA was always willing to ante up for the big talent. Until the Johnson fiasco and the long streak of losing seasons, PA was regarded as the owner who would make the bold moves and sign the high profile FAs.

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Something to take with a grain of salt of course but this was posted this morning in a Sox message board... Of course, it seemed as if people in their own message board weren't even buying it.

So let's see if I've got this straight...

We've got a poker playing business partner of Mark's dad's friend who says he is signing with the Nationals while bluffing a 7 2 offsuit in the small blind.

We've got a neighbor who comes out every year and makes free agent predictions for the Red Sox while getting his mail out of the mailbox...oh and keep in mind Punxsutawney Chowder head hasn't been wrong in 30 years.....ever.

I'm sure we've got to have Mark's 8th grade Earth Science teacher here, who says he is signing with us because he saw Mark's dog at the vet and that's what the vet's receptionist told him.

Where does this stuff come from?

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A neighbor of mine informed that Teixeira will sign with the Sox. Keep in mind this guy is in his 50's, and has close ties to someone who he won't say in the front office. The guy has never been wrong about a signing in the 30 years I known him. I asked him when will we see this? He said as soon as the misses calms down about moving to a media rich city. She's shy I guess.. All he would tell me is 8 years with a (player) option for 9th.

These 12th separated from the conversation quotes that have popped up on these threads crack me up...They always remind me of this clip (you have to go to 1min 57sec):


For those who don't want to click on the link it's a line from Spaceballs when Lord Helmet says "I am your father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's, former roomate.

Then Lone Starr says "What does that make us?"

And Lord Helmet responds with "Absolutely nothing!"

Which is what 99.9% of these are. I am waiting to hear from Tex's cousin's gardener who lives in Ohio that said he talked to a drinking buddy who plays poker with a guy who knows Tex's ex girlfriend from the 12 grade who said that she keeps in contact with him and was told that he is signing with the Red Sox...

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Just got a call from my guy, he does not think a deal is close, at least there's no talk of it. Boston may have the best offer on the table. Everyting is tight lipped which may be a good thing.

And we go back down the hill of the rollercoaster... ;)

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Just got a call from my guy, he does not think a deal is close, at least there's no talk of it. Boston may have the best offer on the table. Everyting is tight lipped which may be a good thing.

This is key IMO. Everybody is silent because this thing is so close...

That's how I choose to take it anyway.

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Just got a call from my guy, he does not think a deal is close, at least there's no talk of it. Boston may have the best offer on the table. Everyting is tight lipped which may be a good thing.


The sound of 1,000 balloons deflating. Thanks for the update. At this point it's tough to know what to think.

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Guest rbrhett
Just got a call from my guy, he does not think a deal is close, at least there's no talk of it. Boston may have the best offer on the table. Everyting is tight lipped which may be a good thing.

I edit my previous remarks...

SOME of the OH insiders think Tex is coming to the Os.

I still say the Royals...maybe Pirates...or Padres. We know they can afford him.

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Ok, I figured it out. One of two things are going to happen. Tex will sign with us or he won't (duh). Let's examine this:

1) Everything we've been hearing from the National Media (short of Ravich) suggests that Teixeira is signing with the Angels, Nats or Red Sox. We've speculated that the Angels are out of it because of a somewhat cryptic statement by Mike Scioscia (as an aside, I really wish the HO would stop dissecting every single word -- it tends to lead people astray). Anyway, if the National Media (and their sources are correct) then this would lead me to believe that what Belkast, 7117, Sonny, Bigbird et al are hearing is still correct, but is part of a master plan by Boras to drive up the Red Sox price. We've also heard that the Red Sox are prepared to make a "historic" contract offer to Tex. Considering what they've previously given Manny Ramirez, if this is true, their offer could certain trump ours. Normally, I wouldn't put much stock in this idea, because a normal human being could never concoct such a plan, but Boras' blood is a mixture of Red Bull and cocaine so if anyone was going to do it, it was him.

BOTTOM LINE: If Tex signs with Boston it will be because we were once again used to drive up the price (Vlad, Konerko, etc) and that our insiders on this board were given correct information, just information that was never vested in actually signing Tex, rather just driving his price up.

2) We also know that if any organization in sports, nay, the world can keep something close lipped, it's the Baltimore Orioles. Hell, if AM had overseen the Watergate investigation, we never would have had "All the President's Men." The Tejada trade, the Bedard trade, Mazzilli being fired and, to a lesser extent, some of our more minor signings would have caught this community quite off-guard were it not for our insiders providing information. The national media generally broke these news stories after we did and it took Adam Jones going public for everyone outside of this area to realize that he was being dealt. Nothing that is going on now is really any different than what has happened last year. Our insiders break a story or hint at rumors, the national media has no idea, and our community is torn between what to believe. All I know is, the media breaking Tex's signing sometime in the near future would be par for the course considering what has happened in the past.

BOTTOM LINE: AM might be the world's best poker player, and not even know it. The man is notorious for being tight-lipped. He even appeared slightly agitated that the media got wind of a meeting he had with Tex and Boras in Las Vegas and said as much in interviews. If Tex signs here, it will once again validate our insiders and once again highlight how well AM can negotiate while keeping everyone else (outside of the OH;)) in the dark.

Either of those scenarios can happen. Which one do I believe will? I'll have to wait and see.

Hmm, maybe I should have made this a poll....:laughlol:

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