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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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Just got a call from my father, who is the one I claimed had a source. Read into this as much as you want, but I am in no way claiming to have a valid source.

That said, I was told Teixeira would sign with Boston for 8 years and 192 million, with options for an 9th and 10th year, and an opt out clause after 6 years.

This is also coming from someone who said Boston wasn't as serious of a player as the media said, so maybe something bad happened somewhere.

Well, that's 10/240. I can't see us topping that or even if we should.

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Why would a respected sports news source like ESPN come out and report that the O's never upped their offer if they really did up their offer? I have to believe ESPN here. And if we never upped our offer then we never had a chance. Seems like Teix was just being polite in keeping us around till the end. If this whole scenario is true it really makes no sense...I have a hard time believing that world class negotiators like PA and AM would throw their best offer possible out right away and leave no room to move up. Especially when their were other teams offering more. Either ESPN is wrong or PA and AM have completely lost their minds. Either way this will be surprising news.

But see the thing is, different people at ESPN HAVE said we upped our offer.

Ravech said it yesterday: "the remarkable thing is, everytime one team ups their offer all of the rest match it."

Olney is the first person in the entire media thus far to say we have NOT upped our offer. He is the first person to say that AT ESPN less than 24 hours after we have "upped it" so its very confusing is all.

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Just got a call from my father, who is the one I claimed had a source. Read into this as much as you want, but I am in no way claiming to have a valid source.

That said, I was told Teixeira would sign with Boston for 8 years and 192 million, with options for an 9th and 10th year, and an opt out clause after 6 years.

This is also coming from someone who said Boston wasn't as serious of a player as the media said, so maybe something bad happened somewhere.

Now that would be a "WOW" offer......

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sounds like bad news. That includes a lot of specifics (including options and opt out time frame).

I am glad I am not the negotiator. I would have cracked weeks ago.

Yeah, that does sound a little too specific for my liking. I was also told that he still hasn't heard anything about a wow offer, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt. I told him I'd believe it when I saw it.

If anything, what he told me made it seem that if our insiders are correct, we still have an opportunity to swoop in at the last minute.

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There are more ups, downs, and intricacies than Rachmaninoff!

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I can't keep up with all the posts here, so this may have already been said, but it looks to me like Roch's latest blog entries are calling out Belkast pretty badly.

I love reading this board for all the rumors. I love listening to Belkast and know that he's well intentioned. However, with this whole Tex thing, if we don't sign him, Belkast is going to have to go into hiding with all the mad posters on this board. It'd be one thing if Belkast said that he was just optimistic, but the posts where he's made it sound like it's a done deal and such are going to be his undoing if this doesn't come through.

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If the Orioles are out and Roch believes Olney then why not just have the Orioles confirm what Olney said that they are out. Also the Orioles only said he is not signed not that they are no longer negotiating.

It seems our sources are hung out to dry and the national press can say whatever they want.

My guess is the Tex deal is getting close but Boras is still playing his game thus all the conflicting reports. Every team is still in it in my opinion.

Boras also leaked the Manny news to push the Sox and Angels to get desperate and bid up Tex or bid on Manny (Angels).

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But is it relevant when the other offers are at $160M or $180M?

If the Nationals offer is 8/160 and the Angels offer is 8/170, then the Orioles could easily offer 8/160 to be right there with the other three. If Boston is offering 8/192 (Which is close to the 8/200 we heard) then option years 9 and 10 could easily be worth $40 Million. That could be a 10/240 contract and I wouldn't fault the Orioles for not going there.

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These are the exact number Schmuck quoted in his blog this morning. Just more speculation. I cannot see Boston spending this much on a luxury.

I agree with you and am very confused as to why they'd spend so much. The last time I talked to my father, he said his source said that Boston wasn't going to go very high for those exact reasons. Now a deal is almost done according to him. Like I said, take it with a grain of salt, because I can't get my father to budge on verifying his source, so I have no idea if it is true. I just thought it was some news to pass along.

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