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Teixeira Watch: Part VII- Owner Says Sox Are Out


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I don't think the problem is system development anymore with this team. I no longer feel that the organization is hurting their own prospects. It's not solely a matter of development, it's more a roll of the dice.

I tend to agree but if the ones with the better tools arent doing it, it makes you pause. I hope they all do it though.

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I don't think the problem is system development anymore with this team. I no longer feel that the organization is hurting their own prospects. It's not solely a matter of development, it's more a roll of the dice.

Then why does Rowell have his own personal coaches and not Orioles coaches??? Muchas Problemas with our devlopment - some might say laughable.

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It mentions that the O's issued a "sad press release"

Does anyone remember this?

EDIT - Is this Paula Duffy a joke? Who are her sources? Is this journalism or random opinions?

I think we would have heard something by now if this were true.

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I don't remember anything about a sad press release, either. Maybe she's talking about the ESPN reports, or the "flexible" story.

I think she was blowing something out of her...

I've seen some crap media over the past couple days. Paula took the cake with that story.

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I'm thinking he ends up with the Nat's. The lerner's have more money than almost every owner in baseball combined - so to say signing Tex would cripple them is absurd. They could easily buy a bunch of FA's to jump start the team. Their farm system now is adequate enough to keep the ball rolling. They need fans badly, this could be just what the doctor ordered.

If that is the truth then why are they not going after pitchers like Burnett, Sheets or CC?

I mean if they have neough money to give Tex insane contracts why not give insane contracts to people in an area where you REALLY need it?

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Here is the way I am thinking. I don't believe he is going to the Angels due to the fact he wants to play on the East Coast. I think the Sox are really out of it. That comes down to the Nats and us. With Tex saying before he cares about winning, I think that takes the Nats out of the picture. That brings it back to us. Tex has stated he wants to be here. I think he is an Oriole as early as today, no later then Sunday. That's my opinion. Of course it doesn't hurt, that I have been hearing positive things all along. Again, guarded optimism due to being burned before. However everything that has happened so far has been pretty much in line with the information that I have heard. We'll see........

If its about winning I think it may be somewhat of a wash. I think our main advantages over the Nats are: i) he grew up an Orioles fan, and ii) I can't see Angelos letting the hated Nats outbid him.

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It mentions that the O's issued a "sad press release"

Does anyone remember this?

EDIT - Is this Paula Duffy a joke? Who are her sources? Is this journalism or random opinions?

I have heard no such thing, but I just got my cautious optimism knocked down a few notches...

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Here is the way I am thinking. I don't believe he is going to the Angels due to the fact he wants to play on the East Coast. I think the Sox are really out of it. That comes down to the Nats and us. With Tex saying before he cares about winning, I think that takes the Nats out of the picture. That brings it back to us. Tex has stated he wants to be here. I think he is an Oriole as early as today, no later then Sunday. That's my opinion. Of course it doesn't hurt, that I have been hearing positive things all along. Again, guarded optimism due to being burned before. However everything that has happened so far has been pretty much in line with the information that I have heard. We'll see........

You do realize half the posters would marry you if you were a woman?

The other half would marry you anyway.

just sayin :)

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If that is the truth then why are they not going after pitchers like Burnett, Sheets or CC?

I mean if they have neough money to give Tex insane contracts why not give insane contracts to people in an area where you REALLY need it?

My guess would be that they know how much the O's covet Teixeira and landing him would really be a slap in the O's face.

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