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Teixeira watch part IX....The final stages?

Sports Guy

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I find it very strange that there is such a strong discrepancy between the press reports and what ALL THREE of our insiders were saying a week ago. Bigbird, Belkast and Sonny76 all reported that the O's were willing to go as far as 10/$200 mm, and maybe a little higher than that on the money. I realize bigbird's source has been the most pessimistic, but nevertheless we heard 10/$200 mm from him. So how is it that Olney now says we offered 7/$140 mm and haven't budged and won't budge?

Either all three insiders got wrong information, Olney has wrong information, or the O's are playing a very strange game of chicken.

I find it hard to believe that in this day in age with the Internet and this board that AM would make what the O's are willing to do or not do with Tex public knowledge in the office.

I have a feeling very few FO personnel are involved here.

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Sorry, but a guy who makes millions a year isn't having any trouble providing for his family, whether it's $2 million or $20 million.
You're right. You provide a decent justication for robbery. Let's just take it from him if they pay him that much because he doesn't deserve it and won't notice it when it's gone. After all, it doesn't matter if he earns it, or it's the market for his skills, it's you and I who determine if he gets paid too much.
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He was responding to a comment I made that these players were just "money-hungry" which is a little short-sighted... I thought about it and realized that I do support MLBPA before I support MLB owners.

No, I know what he was responding to. And like I said, I mostly understood where he was coming from, it's just that last bit wasn't really logical and just seemed thrown in there.

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Either all three insiders got wrong information, Olney has wrong information, or the O's are playing a very strange game of chicken.

Ever consider the possibility that the insiders are being fed wrong information on purpose? I'm not saying...I'm just saying. :o

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I find it very strange that there is such a strong discrepancy between the press reports and what ALL THREE of our insiders were saying a week ago. Bigbird, Belkast and Sonny76 all reported that the O's were willing to go as far as 10/$200 mm, and maybe a little higher than that on the money. I realize bigbird's source has been the most pessimistic, but nevertheless we heard 10/$200 mm from him. So how is it that Olney now says we offered 7/$140 mm and haven't budged and won't budge?

Either all three insiders got wrong information, Olney has wrong information, or the O's are playing a very strange game of chicken.

Roch, Schmuck, Gammons, Heyman, Rosenthal, etc aren't getting any new information to lead them to believe the O's have upped their offer. I assume this is part of AM's strategy with negotiations. He needs to publicize the initial offer, but he doesn't need to acknowledge any subsequent offers.

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You're right. You provide a decent justication for robbery. Let's just take it from him if they pay him that much because he doesn't deserve it and won't notice it when it's gone. After all, it doesn't matter if he earns it, or it's the market for his skills, it's you and I who determine if he gets paid too much.

I have plenty of opinions on this topic, I'm not going to go into it because it has nothing to do with this thread and it's going to get me in trouble anyway. I'm not up for debating it; we'll just agree to disagree.

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I find it very strange that there is such a strong discrepancy between the press reports and what ALL THREE of our insiders were saying a week ago. Bigbird, Belkast and Sonny76 all reported that the O's were willing to go as far as 10/$200 mm, and maybe a little higher than that on the money. I realize bigbird's source has been the most pessimistic, but nevertheless we heard 10/$200 mm from him. So how is it that Olney now says we offered 7/$140 mm and haven't budged and won't budge?

Either all three insiders got wrong information, Olney has wrong information, or the O's are playing a very strange game of chicken.

I vote for the strange game of chicken.

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You are right. My "money-hungry" description was not correct.

It's a common perception in most sports. While Boras does want the most money chances are his client wants the most money as well or he wouldn't have him as an agent. Now, the chances of guys like Tex making it to the level he's currently playing are less than 1%. With those kind of odds you take what you can get.

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I find it very strange that there is such a strong discrepancy between the press reports and what ALL THREE of our insiders were saying a week ago. Bigbird, Belkast and Sonny76 all reported that the O's were willing to go as far as 10/$200 mm, and maybe a little higher than that on the money. I realize bigbird's source has been the most pessimistic, but nevertheless we heard 10/$200 mm from him. So how is it that Olney now says we offered 7/$140 mm and haven't budged and won't budge?

Either all three insiders got wrong information, Olney has wrong information, or the O's are playing a very strange game of chicken.

You have to wonder where these reports of offers are coming from.

I can't believe its anyone in the the Orioles organization is talking to the press about our offer, given how tight lipped they are about things. And why would Boras give the press accurate reports of offers? If anything, he'd be giving the press reports of exaggerated, higher offers.

I assume the published reports of offers are true, but I wonder where the press sources these reported offers? Do they have their own set of informants within Boras' organization, or the respective clubs they cover?

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He can at least acknowledge that the Orioles are willing to go higher than their original offer which he refuses to do because then the Orioles might look like they have a shot, and that would make his readers upset...

Why would that make anyone upset? I really doubt any of these writers have an anti-O's bias. They made it to ESPN and Foxsports for a reason, they are good journalists with lots of sources. They write what they have heard and what they know. You are insinuating that Buster Olney would purposefully withhold information that was pro-Orioles? That doesn't make any sense, all journalists are looking out for one person - themselves. If they have a scoop they will report it no matter what team if benefits, writers look good when they get stuff right before anyone else does. Obviously all public information is pointing to the Red Sox, so that is what they are reporting. If they had the same source Belkast has maybe their reporting would be different, but I seriously doubt that any journalist would purposely not report something just because of what team it was.

Case in point, Roch is obviously pro-Orioles but he can't just make up stuff and post it in his blog to appease Orioles fans (his entire audience). I seriously doubt Olney and Rosenthal would make up information to appease Red Sox and Yankees fans. You don't make it too far in Journalism by making up facts to appease your readers. I'm sure this information is coming from their sources, that doesn't mean they are correct, but that is the information they are provided with and are held accountable for.

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