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Tuesday June 6: Orioles at Milwaukee


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3 minutes ago, TopGunnar said:

When will Voth be demoted. When will Mateo be replaced? When will Mountcastle lose playing time? When will Westburg and Cowser be called up. 

im losing hope with this team. 

That’s hilarious. 

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1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

The Orioles earned every ounce of that loss. 

Why cant we just bring the kids up?   The guys we have are just average to below replacement.  What is the harm of bringing up Westburg or Cowser?  And Mateo.  We know what he is now.  He isnt a big league hitter.  He has no patience or disipline.  So what he is fast.  Use him as a pinch runner/super utility.  He is not a starting everyday guy.  He just cant do it for a full season.   And Mountcastle is so one dimensional.  He sucks in the field.  Cant scoop a ball in the dirt and wont walk and swings at everything even if it is a foot high.  

Mountcastle has minor league options.  Shock his butt with a trip back to Norfolk.  Make him work on pitch recongnition and defense.  

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5 minutes ago, Winter said:

Why even use Bautista if you were going to Voth in extras lmao

Because you are playing with house money at that point. You don’t deserve to win but you start off the 10th with a guy on second. The only way you get there is if Voth doesn’t walk you off in the 9th.

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7 minutes ago, dtk9119 said:

Melanie... so much good to take away from this game!!!

Melanie is trash.  I just mute her.....and Palmer is old and bumbling now sorry to say.  Last four years or so Palmer has lost quite a lot.   

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10 hours ago, Gurgi said:

Maybe I got the wrong guy.  I saw one guy with awesome stikeouts low walks and an ERA in the 2's.  

Stats look good, but he's a junkballer that I think would struggle against major leaguers.

By the way, and this is not for you but to all, last night was an earned loss, but it was also an earned win by the Brewers.

In 162 game schedule, sometimes you are just going to get outplayed.

This team is resilient. They'll bounce back.

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