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UMD-UNC Thread...

Lucky Jim

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Classy responses from you, as usual. Truthfully, if UNC shot as well as they normally do from three, the heels win this game easily. They had quite a few open looks despite some great defense by the Terps because the heels move the ball well and we have to pack it in to prevent being abused inside, but your guys didn't shoot well from 3 except for Lawson.

If the defense picks up just a little, UNC is still my pick for the NCAA champion.

Thanks man!!

Carolina missed a lot of open looks unlike the game in Chapel Hill a few weeks ago. If Ellington would have been on, i think you're right and we win that game. I can't complain with our effort, and I'm ok losing a game like that.

I'm also extremely happy for some of my Maryland friends and of course for Gary Williams, and hope the Anti Gary stuff dies down for a bit.

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Travel (I like that), gets away with more than any player in CBB. He pushes Mosley on the baseline late and no call. He gets trapped in the corner, elbows his way out and starts a fast break and no call. He shifts the pivot every time in traffic and no call and he flops all over the place and gets every call. He will be a bust at the next level. The NCAA will probably grant him a 5th year.

To be fair, there were a couple late charges (at least one called against him) that were Oscar-worthy performances by the Terps, if you catch my drift.

The refs were terrible; they just generally went the Terps way (for once...:P).

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To be fair, there were a couple late charges (at least one called against him) that were Oscar-worthy performances by the Terps, if you catch my drift.

The refs were terrible; they just generally went the Terps way (for once...:P).

UNC still shot 10 more FT's but the Terps did get some nice calls late, esp Mosley's call against Hansbrough.

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To be fair, there were a couple late charges (at least one called against him) that were Oscar-worthy performances by the Terps, if you catch my drift.

The refs were terrible; they just generally went the Terps way (for once...:P).

Are you kidding me? If anyone is "Oscar worthy" it's Hansborough. I can't wait to see him fail miserably at the next level. Green's 5th foul was a bad call, but how bad calls did the Terps get in the first half?

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Are you kidding me? If anyone is "Oscar worthy" it's Hansborough. I can't wait to see him fail miserably at the next level.

Well, he's an under-sized, under-athletic big man. Of course he's not going to be that good in the NBA :laughlol:

Doesn't mean he isn't damn-good right now at this level.

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Great win. There is no doubt that Gary does his best work when he gets backed into a corner. He'll never stop believing and fighting and that reflects in his players resiliency.

There hasn't been much talk, both nationally or from Maryland fans, about this teams tourney chances but this win clearly gets them noticed and on the bubble for the stretch run. I think 3 of the last 4 to get to 9-7 makes us a lock. To get in with 8 wins I think we would need to beat either Duke or Wake and probably still need an ACC tourney win. The real interesting scenario is if we beat Duke and Wake but lose to State and Virginia. WOuld 4 top 10 victories and 8 ACC wins make us a lock even though we would have a horrible road record and the real bad Morgan State loss???

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1. Gary Williams is the man.

2. GV played unconscious today. What a gutsy effort.

3. Cliff Tucker is legit. START HIM.

4. Travel Hansblow was held to 11 pts by an undersized UMD frontcourt. Great effort by Neal, Milbourne, Burney, and Dinosaur.

5. It was incredible to see Comcastle rocking again. That place is nuts!

6. I've been hating on Eric Hayes lately, but I was more than happy to see him play as well as he did today.

7. I love Maryland basketball.

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At the game today it was awesome great atmosphere at one time Gary had his arms in the air almost willing the crowd to make some noise. One thing and that is I knew ty lawson was fast but man he can flat out fly, it's like he glides across the floor. Way different seeing him in person. And I never really believed this until I saw it in person but Tyler H gets away with WAY more than any other players. I think James Gist was there also thats what a student told me anyways.

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It's amazing how the Gary haters vanish after a win but hoot and holler after a loss. :rolleyes:

I'll give credit when credit is due. Gary is great at coaching up the team for a great game like today, but where was all the support when Duke or Clemson was beating our brains in? I'll say it again........ great win. But there's still always room to be discouraged everytime we see Dave Neal try to take Hansbrough on the court.

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