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Melanie Newman is not good on the radio.Xfinity and beyond-2024

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We were in the car headed to dinner during the first inning last night. Hollander was doing play by play, she was doing color. She would interject these little tidbits and my wife said "Who is this woman and why does she keep saying things that have nothing to do with what's happening in this game."

I zoned out at one point and I think Hollander was talking about all of the swing and misses Jones got in his debut. She just injects with, "You know that stat didn't even exist when he was born!"

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On 4/6/2024 at 6:43 AM, Frobby said:

I think you are in a tiny minority here.  Most people prefer the CF view.  It’s much easier to tell if a pitch is a ball or a strike and what type of pitch it was.   

Back to Melanie, she’s absolutely awful on the radio PBP.  She’s fine as the radio color person.  She’s mediocre on TV PBP, and I wouldn’t want her doing that as her everyday job, but she’s okay in limited exposure.  On pre and post game, she’s quite solid.   

We get catchers POV onMLb..com…but seriously, the problem should be obvious. We see the pitch, and then a blink while the guy in charges switches to the pertinent camera. With  routine or slow plays it’s not too bad, but with a 100 MPH exit velocity, the ball has already been gloved or gotten through by the time the camera switches. We can see the replay, but only then can we see what happened.

No, with respect, the pitchers POV is not the best, and the camera work in general is terrible.

Go back and watch Brett Phillips’ wonderful hit in the 2020 Series. The original play, as it happened, was completely ruined by the camera work. But one of the replays showed the camera above and behind the plate and showed the entire play. THATS what we should see every pitch.

plus, a minor matter, but the camera above/behind home plate will increase the interest of foul balls, because we can watch and track them.

Edited by Philip
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On 4/5/2024 at 10:05 PM, yark14 said:

How hard is it to switch to the video feed? We had Ben and Kevin being big goofballs.

She's terrible.  I live out of the area but I'm blacked out when playing the Reds, Pirates or Indians by MLB.tv.  So when my VPN doesn't work I'm stuck listening to her or the other broadcast.  It's sad but I regularly pick the other teams broadcast  because even though I don't care for the other teams homerism at least then I usually know what's going on for the game action.   With Melanie I'm often clueless and when I later watch the replay of the game or highlights I'm surprised by the difference between what really happened and what Melanie described. 

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On 4/5/2024 at 6:07 PM, Hazmat said:

Can we add a “- 2024” to the end of the thread title since this appears to be a topic that comes up annually?

Adding 2024 would lead readers to think this is only a one year problem.

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