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How Much of the World Series Will You Watch?

Bahama O's Fan

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I'd like to watch very little, but probably will get sucked into tuning in sometime in the middle innings for most games, unless the NYYs are way ahead. I've been able so far to maintain a postseason rooting interest against the NYYs but don't think I can keep that up when they're playing the Dodgers. 

Maybe we'll all be saved because this winds up like the 1969 World Series, with far better technology. As many of you probably know, the World Series was not played that year. I'm a little foggy on the reason, but it had to do with then-Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, a native Marylander but long-time NY/NY resident (until he moved to Florida decades later to escape creditors after his law firm collapsed), that it would be "in the best interests of baseball" to have the NY-based team win even if it couldn't be the NYYs, which seemed highly unlikely given the disparity in talent between the two teams. Instead of actual games, MLB staged a primitive simulation of a  World Series, set up to have the Mets win. But that series didn't really happen, despite the efforts of some in the national (New York-centered) media to act as if it did. (I may be off about the precise reason. I was a freshman in college, with limited access to things like TV, newspapers and radio reception, but plenty of access to kids from New York, who were taken in by the subterfuge.)

By the way, maybe I saw this posted here earlier, but the postseason qualifiers had 2024 payrolls ranked by Spotrac as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 21, 23, and 24. The division winners were the teams ranked 2, 3, 4, 5, 21, 23. Spotrac's ranking of payroll for active rosters (I'm not sure when the active rosters were set.): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 16, 20, 21, 25, and 28. Apologies for any clerical errors. There are lots of ways to slice payrolls for comparison, but I doubt the others would change the overall picture. Draw or resist your own conclusions. 


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The delay to Friday is weird to me. I guess it was necessary in case either series went 7, but that still should have pushed to Thursday at latest not Friday (NL game 7 would have been today, AL tomorrow). I might quite literally forget there’s a game by the time Friday rolls around, and it will be several days off for both teams. 


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Just now, TommyPickles said:

Do you think the Yankees are more likely to resign Soto if they win? Or if they lose?

I wonder if winning now takes the pressure off their front office a bit and they can claim to their fans that they just got outbid...

The one good thing is he isn’t going to become a better player once he gets paid more. 

That said I hope he leaves. 

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Hate both teams with a burning passion.  They just open their wallets more than everyone else and purchase every other team's best player- they've done this for years.  Other teams have started doing this (Rangers, Padres..)...  It's destroying the game.


Won't watch.


Hope it ends in a tie.



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