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Liz working on a no hitter.


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Of course you do, you're just trying to make me look like an idiot. How else could you interpret that? You think everything other than your opinion is wrong, how much clearer can I get?

You're being way too sensitive. If you feel like providing facts (averaging 5-2/3 IP per start) to refute your implication that 6 innings isn't deep enough is insulting, you should thicken up a bit. Really.

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How can you not at least be intrigued with the idea of trying out Liz for a few innings in a couple of weeks?

I know he wasnt even impressive in spring training, but he has such impressive K ratio's..hes got to be doing something right.

Hoey looks like he might be getting it together(i dont want to speak too soon),so why not throw the kids out in September? Its hardly throwing them to the wolves..hell the Skanks brought up alot of minor league guys this year, and some were kicked around...but some really showed great stuff(including Mr. Hughes..and Joba the Hut). So lets give our kids a shot.


Roy, words alone do not describe how filthy Liz was tonight, even though I'm attempting to do exactly that in my "Notes from Bowie" post that I am about to make. I agree 100% (even though I am no scout or GM) that I'd love nothing more than to see how he does at the ML level in Sept.


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I see no reason to not make Liz into a Weaver Reliever next year - a latter day Sammy Stewart. Or a Francisco Rodriguez, Joba Chamberlin kind of pitcher. If there's a hole in the rotation, plug him in for some starts, but otherwise let him throw two innings of relief a couple times a week. Gets his feet wet in the majors, lets him not worry so much about pacing, and keeps the O's from signing another Baez.

I wouldn't hesistate to have a 2008 rotation of Bedard, Loewen, Olson, Cabrera, and Guthrie, and a pen of Walker, Bradford, Liz, Penn, Ray, Burres, and Hoey. Of course that would mean taking Baez out behind the barn and dispatching him...

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I see no reason to not make Liz into a Weaver Reliever next year - a latter day Sammy Stewart. Or a Francisco Rodriguez, Joba Chamberlin kind of pitcher. If there's a hole in the rotation, plug him in for some starts, but otherwise let him throw two innings of relief a couple times a week. Gets his feet wet in the majors, lets him not worry so much about pacing, and keeps the O's from signing another Baez.

Leting him get his feet wet in the Sammy Stewart role makes a lot of sense.

Btw, someone mentioned he's 24. According to a family that he lived with - who posted here I think a couple of months ago - he's 23. His birthday is listed wrong.

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Leting him get his feet wet in the Sammy Stewart role makes a lot of sense.

Btw, someone mentioned he's 24. According to a family that he lived with - who posted here I think a couple of months ago - he's 23. His birthday is listed wrong.

I think his birthday is October 6th, not the June 10th they have listed.

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You are correct. We are that family, his American family, his birthday is October 6th. So, he is only 23. As his American mother, I think he is doing exceptionally well!! I am quite proud of him.

AS you should be. Congratulations!

Make sure to tell him the OH wishes him the best of luck. If he gets bored one night have him do a post or two.:D

That would be fun!

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