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Anyone else cheering for the O's to lose?


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Now you're moving past the point. Honestly the point isn't what Irsay did or didn't do, it's that your initial statement was far too general. Your theory is valid, but it only is completely valid in a bubble. A bubble completely devoid of socio-political influence. You can't honestly expect to paint such a broad stroke with your brush and not be challenged on it, do you?

Again, your point has validity, but you're not taking in to account specific details, of which you admittedly had little personal experience with. There's nothing wrong with your theory in principle, but there are waaaaaay more factors involved than you are giving credit.

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Now you're moving past the point. Honestly the point isn't what Irsay did or didn't do, it's that your initial statement was far too general. Your theory is valid, but it only is completely valid in a bubble. A bubble completely devoid of socio-political influence. You can't honestly expect to paint such a broad stroke with your brush and not be challenged on it, do you?

Again, your point has validity, but you're not taking in to account specific details, of which you admittedly had little personal experience with. There's nothing wrong with your theory in principle, but there are waaaaaay more factors involved than you are giving credit.

No I give other factors credit but again I just stated that my theory had merit, which you admit. The ultimate litmus test for my theory is when the Ravens ultimately hit a slide, then we'll see the fickle nature of Baltimore fans. Or maybe we won't........

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I'm not going to keep beating this dead horse with you, its pointless. Trying to convince someone in Baltimore that maybe, just maybe Irsay isn't the devil is like trying to someone from Brooklyn that O'Malley isn't the devil.

Oh, stop. O'Malley tried for years to use his own money to build a new domed stadium in Brooklyn. The idiot NY roads-czar insisted that he move the Dodgers out of Brooklyn. O'Malley tried hard to stay in Brooklyn, and he tried hard for several years. When he was told that his only option was to leave Brookyn, he finally agreed. He just picked a different destination than Flushing. The bad guy in that story is the NY roads-czar: he cost NYC both of their NL teams.

I don't think O'Malley is an angel by any means, but comparing Irsay to him is just foolish. As an owner, Irsay had no redeeming qualities. He was a drunk and an ass, and even his own family thought so. Again, it might be helpful if you learned a bit more about history.

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No I give other factors credit but again I just stated that my theory had merit, which you admit. The ultimate litmus test for my theory is when the Ravens ultimately hit a slide, then we'll see the fickle nature of Baltimore fans. Or maybe we won't........

Well, we're trying to tell you that your blanket statement of a "fickle nature of typical Baltimore fans" (I think your use of typical was probably the barnburner moreso than fickle) is a bit off base.

Orioles: never had "great" attendance numbers when they kicked absolute ass 66-83. The awesome attendance numbers coincided with a new park, the decline both coincided with novelty wearing off and a prolonged stay of non-contention. Neither of which point to a fickle nature.

Football: Not reopening the Colts can of worms, but after they left, the town went crazy trying for a new team. Turned down for socio-economic political reasons until Modell made himself a pariah to Cleveland to get a team here. Been more than embraced since. Stallions were embraced, and left only because the owner knew he stood no chance with an NFL team in town again.

Lacrosse: Fans around here never got on board with the Bayhawks, for reasons that are unknown. Maybe they prefer prep/college play better, but I know they weren't advertised very well either. So that's not really fickle, that's not going from the get go.

Bullets were explained better than me above.

Basically, I think the point is, a typical Baltimore fan is no more or less fickle than other towns fans. With the notable exception of Cubs fans.

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No I give other factors credit but again I just stated that my theory had merit, which you admit. The ultimate litmus test for my theory is when the Ravens ultimately hit a slide, then we'll see the fickle nature of Baltimore fans. Or maybe we won't........

What a silly statement. To imply that Baltimore fans are more fickle than those of other cities is completely unfounded and most likely false. Any city has higher attendance when their team is winning. To compare the Colts move to others shows little knowledge of the situation and does nothing to give your "theory" any validity. I suppose that's what happens when one posts anytime any silly little thought runs through their head though.

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Irsay was one of my least favorite humans of all time. However the team was really not supported like it should have been. I actually used to go to alot of games with my father. He would have rather gone to a Skins game as that was his team but even in the mediocre years a skins ticket was hard to get. You could get a ticket for just about any Colts game even in the Bert Jones to Roger Carr days. The Colts also started the tradition of letting other teams fans take over a stadium. If you had the pleasure to see a Colts Steelers game in that era you would have sworn that you were in Pittsburg. I really do not know why it was that way, but it was. I know the city was not going to build a new statium and I remember Parking was a real problem around memorial.

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What a silly statement. To imply that Baltimore fans are more fickle than those of other cities is completely unfounded and most likely false. Any city has higher attendance when their team is winning. To compare the Colts move to others shows little knowledge of the situation and does nothing to give your "theory" any validity. I suppose that's what happens when one posts anytime any silly little thought runs through their head though.

Wow your in depth explanations certainly convinced me...... :rolleyes:

Yet another outraged poster that only focuses on the Colts aspect of the equation............. :rolleyes:

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Irsay was one of my least favorite humans of all time. However the team was really not supported like it should have been. I actually used to go to alot of games with my father. He would have rather gone to a Skins game as that was his team but even in the mediocre years a skins ticket was hard to get. You could get a ticket for just about any Colts game even in the Bert Jones to Roger Carr days. The Colts also started the tradition of letting other teams fans take over a stadium. If you had the pleasure to see a Colts Steelers game in that era you would have sworn that you were in Pittsburg. I really do not know why it was that way, but it was. I know the city was not going to build a new statium and I remember Parking was a real problem around memorial.

Baltimore has a history of not going to games when teams are successful and those are not promising trends towards turning a profit as an owner. Lest we forget that owners are usually in this arena for turning a profit as opposed to being a "rabid" fan of said team.......

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Did you actually read my posts? Did I say that the fans made the Colts leave? The answer is NO! I merely stated that dwindling attendance played a factor. Was it as big of a factor as the inability to get a new stadium or the tremendous offer made by the city of Indianapolis, NO!. Don't pick and choose portions of posts as the theme of them.......

Do you know anything about the situation with the NBA Hornets?

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Baltimore has a history of not going to games when teams are successful and those are not promising trends towards turning a profit as an owner. Lest we forget that owners are usually in this arena for turning a profit as opposed to being a "rabid" fan of said team.......

Have you ever heard the saying, "better to be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and removing all doubt"?

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    • No matter what?    Lol Yeah, he could start against LHP.     
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