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Should Avery and Hoes repeat Delmarva?


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In light of the troubles that Rowell is having after he was perhaps rushed somewhat. Would you make Avery and Hoes repeat Delmarva? Or just one of them and not the other?

Should either of them do an instructional league?

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Yes, we are in no hurry for them to reach the majors, they are only 19. The transition from GCL to Single A is a pretty drastic jump, let them have another year in Delmarva. Both have pretty low ops's which does not concern me because the power is somthing that develops, but it does not exactly scream promotion. These guys are considered "projects" we need to be patient with them so they can improve. I am not concerned with Avery from what I read he seems to be a very hard worker, a knows what he has to do in order to improve. Considering we have Jones, and Roberts in the majors, CF and 2B, those positions are going to be filled for quite awhile. Lets play this one conservative, and let them learn.

Also I love the fact that Avery is learning how to steal bases. although he has been caught 10 times it does not concern me as he is starting to build a feel for the base paths. he has about 29 steals right now. Next year I am hoping he can start reaching the 50's as I think he has the potential to be a perennial 50 base stealer. Before people start writing them off for having to repeat a level, Avery has proven that he has the potential as he has shown that flash of brilliance, once he starts getting more consistant which he will be when he repeats Delmarva, he will start climbing hire in our top prospect rankings. I believe we made the right selection in Avery, he is a very excitting propsect to follow with the sky as his limit.

I do not know much about Hoes, that's why I referred to him less.

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I think both have done fine given the challenge of playing at DelMarva and part of me leans to continuing to challenge Hoes and Avery at Frederick next year.

Seems like a huge chunk of that DelMarva team would deserve to be held back if these two were held back ....

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I think both have done fine given the challenge of playing at DelMarva and part of me leans to continuing to challenge Hoes and Avery at Frederick next year.

Seems like a huge chunk of that DelMarva team would deserve to be held back if these two were held back ....

Particularly for legit prospects, the most relevant question is not what they deserve, but rather what's deemed optimal for their development.
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Why is that? Have you seen him play CF?

I was judging by his steady, though at times streaky, improvement with the bat. I have not seen him play CF, but honestly how often to players get held back because of their defense?

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Both those guys need to show marked improvement wherever they go or they should be labeled busts by the middle of next year.

How many position players go from less than average in the low minors to a 5 yr MLB career? Save us the tired old "he's young for the league" argument because if you got talent that never matters.

I don't know if it's the coaching or what, but those guys just aren't producing enough to justify their lofty draft status.

Kinda like a certain 1st rounder we all know and love to bash.:scratchchinhmm:

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I was judging by his steady, though at times streaky, improvement with the bat.

First of all, BRod51, I owe you an apology for the harsh tone my post seemed to have when I re-read it this morning. I humbly apologize for that unintended tone. I did not intend to criticize, but only question. When I re-read my post, it read harsh and critical, but that was just my poor choice of words.

Secondly, I believe if all the posters evaluating Avery's performaance from box scores alone would have the opportunity to watch this young man play, they would probably feel that he may have a good baseball FUTURE, but at this point in time he may not be ready for Delmarva, let alone Frederick. Avery is not yet at the level of Matt Angle or Danny Figeroa when they reported to Frederick.

Avery needs to have someone hit him 50 fungoes every day for a year or so to learn where the ball is heading and to learn how to get a jump on the ball. It is little good to be fast, if one is running in the wrong direction or frozen on the spot trying to figure out which way to run. Kyle Hudson is just as fast as Avery and he has learned which way to run and gets an OK read of the ball from the start. (See the Hudson - Hoes interview posted on this forum)

For those of you who feel Avery's power will develop later should watch his swing. Often, he drops his hands and slaps the ball using mostly his wrists. This is fine if you can get away with it at higher levels, but it doesn't translate into power even when one gets stronger. Rarely does Avery swing through the ball (at this time) When he does swing through the ball, he has good bat speed, but I bet they may change his batting style.

As for base stealing, Avery has to learn HOW to steal. Yes, he is fast and at this level he can get a few stolen bases on sheer speed and poor throws by low-A level catchers, but he hasn't YET learned the skill techniques of stealing bases. Compare his style to Joe Mahoney who may have about 29 steals out of perhaps 30 attempts.

Delmarva has been humbling to Avery. He came in with a swagger, but appears sheepish now when coming to the plate. He is RAW! He may have a good baseball future, but sending him to Frederick next year could ruin his confidence completely.

Avery is a decent young man who deserves to have his talents honed and not be rushed prematurely. He can be taught what he needs to learn.

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First of all, BRod51, I owe you an apology for the harsh tone my post seemed to have when I re-read it this morning. I humbly apologize for that unintended tone. I did not intend to criticize, but only question. When I re-read my post, it read harsh and critical, but that was just my poor choice of words.
I don't know much about Avery other than what I read from you, Doc. But I'm impressed by your humanity.
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What are your impressions of L.J. Hoes thus far? I remember his high school career here in DC, and was impressed with his performance last year. What do you think are causing his struggles at Delmarva, and do you see him improving?

Thanks as always.

I've been disappointed even though he skipped a level, but Stotle reminded me that Hoes has had a rough time with illnesses in his family. Got to be rough.

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Patience PBR, these guys are very young for the leagues, they were bound to struggle. They should probably both be at Aberdeen.

This is just what happens in today's world. People follow these highly touted prospects while they are in high school, when they get drafted, and every at-bat they have expecting them never to struggle. The whole point of those two playing in Delmarva was to challenge them and get them on a full-season team to maximize their learning curve and potential.

Matt Hobgood is getting this treatment already with people judging his first 5 IP's and trying to say he was a mistake because he hasn't dominated. When you are coming out of high school and you are the best player on your team, you go to college or the pros where everyone else was also the best player on their team. Now, mistakes get hit for HR's instead of fly ball outs or your stuff isn't simply overpowering because you are the only person throwing 90mph to guys who have problems with 80mph.

Expectations have to be lowered with the year to year results and they should be focused on how well the player is growing. There's no guarantee either of them workout, but when you aren't 20 years old yet, you have a lot of room to struggle. In fact, it's expected you will struggle at some point.

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