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CNN/SI: Gibbons received shipments of steriods

The Azman

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Love to see how his test came back. Thats the test the league wont give the congress right? Or did they back down and give it up. Wonder what % of the players came back dirty then. I'm betting it was over 25%. Some where close to half is my bet.

No, I mean the first anonymous test. The one defined in the last CBA. If a certain percentage tested positive (I think it was 5%) then the league could begin random piss testing, and the current suspension regimen.

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Right I know that test. I thought congress made an attempt to see all the results of it. I thought I heard Mitchells committee had copies of the results.

I could be wrong.

I didn't know that. Kinda dirty pool if they negotiated it to be anonymous and then let Mitchell in on it... SOP for MLB. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Not "kinda dirty pool"... very frickin' dirty pool! I've said before and I'll say it again. MLB proper are 1000 times bigger whores than any ballplayer earning umpteen millions of dollars. At least the ballplayers provide some measure of worth/value.


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Thanks Jay. Now follow Albert Belle's footsteps and live out the duration of your contract from your living room. Man I'm sick of the modern day "Oriole Way".

How can you compare the two?? Albert had degenerative hip condition, and if not for that who knows what the last 2-3 years of his contract would have held for the O's.

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A source in Florida with knowledge of Signature Pharmacy's client list alleges that between October 2003 and July 2005, Gibbons received six separate shipments of Genotropin (a brand name for synthetic Human Growth Hormone), two shipments of testosterone and two shipments of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone produced naturally during pregnancy, but taken by anabolic steroid users to stimulate the production of testosterone, which is suppressed as a result of steroid use. The information regarding Gibbons only pertains to receipt and not actual use of the drugs.

Interesting timeline there. May 2005, Palmeiro (allegedly) tested positive for Winstrol/Stanozolol. Aug. 1 2005, Palmeiro was suspended for 10 games.

Also, a lot of the other guys named (not just in this case) are Orioles or former Orioles.




Hairston Jr.

Gary Matthews Jr


Have I forgotten anyone?

I mean if it came out years ago that a guy was expected in using is one thing...but if the guys are passing their tests after they've been implemented is another story.

As long as they aren't using the roids after they've been banned, who cares what they did beforehand. Just my opinion...

The Gibbons’ shipments took place between October 2003 and July 2005. During the 2004 season, players were tested on a trial basis. If a certain percentage overall tested positive (5%, I think), the mandatory testing for the 2005 season would automatically invoke. And, it did.

So, during the timeframe that Gibbons received shipments, there was a season of trial testing (2004) and a season of mandatory testing (2005). (Or half a season of '05, if you want to use the fact that the shipments were up to July 2005.)

This is sad.

Is Jay still the player rep?

No, Brian is now (just started this season, IIRC). But, Jay was player rep last year and in 2005. Ironically, in 2005 Jay was "the face of the team" to the media when speaking about the team's collective feelings and stances on Raffygate. :rolleyes:


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Where are all the posters who always defended the fact he looked smaller when comparing before and after photos was because his uniform was bigger and he liked to wear it baggy?
I got flamed in May when I brought up the fact I didn't even recognize him when I saw the O's Detroit this May.

OK, I'll bite, since you seem to want somebody to argue with to "vindicate" yourself. I'll stand by any defense I made for Gibbons until this came out. Accusations based on nothing but physical appearance and a dip in the numbers (which as some of the stat-heads pointed out, can be found for any number of players who played pre-steroid era) are borderline libel, at least in my opinion.

I just don't think it's right to go around throwing accusations about steroid use based on something like physical appearance. There are legitimate reasons why he could have bulked up, and why he could have lost a lot of that bulk.

I'm not naïve. I know that a great number of players used or are using PED. I know that there are probably many players that I enjoy watching who use/used them. I'll still stand by them based on "innocent until proven guilty." Receiving steroids is proof enough for me, but physical observations or a decline in numbers just doesn't do it for me.

Maybe your burden of proof is a lot lighter than mine is, but there's always the chance that you're accusing someone of doing steroids who hasn't done it, and I'd rather defend the occasional steroid user than accuse the occasional innocent.

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Maybe your burden of proof is a lot lighter than mine is, but there's always the chance that you're accusing someone of doing steroids who hasn't done it, and I'd rather defend the occasional steroid user than accuse the occasional innocent.

This is a phenomenal statement. I am glad someone made it.


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Interesting that all of the people that said he simply changed his training regiment to prevent injury haven't posted in this thread.

So now we know that performance enhancers can take a great player and turn him into one of the best of all time (Bonds) and can take a bad player and turn him into a mediocre player (Gibbons)

Interesting that you start calling people out for not posting...a whole 18 minutes after the thread was started.

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I didn't know that. Kinda dirty pool if they negotiated it to be anonymous and then let Mitchell in on it... SOP for MLB. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Not "kinda dirty pool"... very frickin' dirty pool! I've said before and I'll say it again. MLB proper are 1000 times bigger whores than any ballplayer earning umpteen millions of dollars. At least the ballplayers provide some measure of worth/value.


I've seen Roger Cosack say on ESPN that just because you tell someone that information is private does not mean that it can't be subpoenaed.

I think he's wrong, only because this is medical information. The players agreed to have these medical tests done on the condition on anonymity and didn't not waive medical privlege. The fed's have no right to the names.

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I'm really not trying to start anything, but aren't Jay and B-Rob best friends? So mayb Brian at least knew about thus and could have joined in? Just speculating.

You have to think he was probably at least aware of it on some level, but that doesn't mean he did anything other than fail to drop a dime on a friend. He could have had plenty of reasons not do do it just because "everyone else is doing it," not the least of them being that his past heart problems would seem to make it even more unadvisable for him than most to take a substance that causes cardiac hypertrophy. That doesn't make him morally superior or anything, but it does give him one more disincentive to using steroids and/or HGH than the rest of the MLB population.

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