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What to do with Matusz???


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He looks as bad if not worse than Tillman, why should he get special treatment?

Tillman never put as good a stretch together at the major league level as Matusz did last year or his 6 straight good starts this year that preceded the 4 recent bad ones.

Also, I believe Tillman went down specifically to wokr on a new pitch. That is not an issue for Matusz, he has pitches coming out of his ears.

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Well, you are just another guy who apparently doesn't have a mind of his own and refuses to trust his own eyes. Apparently, you have been "brainwashed" into believing how great his stuff is when the results and my own eyes tell me that just isn't accurate. If Matusz "stuff" is so above average how come even some of his pitches that are located down in the zone are getting routinely hammered? Did you see any of his past couple outings? If he doesn't suddenly develop pinpoint command, or at least way, WAY better command than he is showing, I think he could and should spend most of next year at Norfolk (if necessary) to get to where he needs to be.

Wow. Of all the people you could say that to, you choose vatech1994?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Have you ever read his posts before?

Simply amazing.

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Tillman never put as good a stretch together at the major league level as Matusz did last year or his 6 straight good starts this year that preceded the 4 recent bad ones.

Also, I believe Tillman went down specifically to wokr on a new pitch. That is not an issue for Matusz, he has pitches coming out of his ears.

There's your problem right there. If the pitches were coming out of his hand he wouldn't suck so bad.


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Wow. Of all the people you could say that to, you choose vatech1994?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Have you ever read his posts before?

Simply amazing.

He doesn't impress me in the least with any of his stuff that you term an analysis. Just what use has it shown to be as none of it bears out that I have seen.

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He doesn't impress me in the least with any of his stuff that you term an analysis. Just what use has it shown to be as none of it bears out that I have seen.

Of course not..and that's the point.

How do you expect anyone to respect you or your point of view if you aren't willing to understand things yourself?

Here is what you think makes a pitcher: ERA, wins and losses and velocity.

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Of course not..and that's the point.

How do you expect anyone to respect you or your point of view if you aren't willing to understand things yourself?

Here is what you think makes a pitcher: ERA, wins and losses and velocity.

I am not unimpressed with it because I don't understand it. You are wrong about that. I really don't see where any of it really is useful to show anything. I mean c'mon. So Matusz has 62 percent of his starts considered "quality" or whatever, and the next best Oriole rookie has 55%. Who cares? That isn't worth a hill of beans in proving anything. Right now I would say that Arietta has a better fast ball than Matusz (by far) and Tillman a better curve (by far). However, none of them have good command. Yet we were sold a bill of goods that Matusz was supposed to have good command of his pitches. To me, what I have seen so far is not only doesn't Matusz have good command his stuff isn't good enough to regularly get major league hitters out unless he does. Arietta has stuff good enough (his fastball especially) to get major league hitters out even if his command is off. Tillman is also struggling with command but needs another pitch and or move movement on his fastball so he is even further behind than Matusz and Arietta.

So this 62% stuff versus 55% is a big waste of effort. That means squat in how these guys are going to turn out. What you see or observe is not going to steer you wrong.

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I am not unimpressed with it because I don't understand it. You are wrong about that. I really don't see where any of it really is useful to show anything. I mean comon. So Matusz has 62 percent of his starts considered "quality" or whatever, and the next best Oriole rookie has 55%. Who cares? That isn't worth a hill of beans in proving anything. Right now I would say that Arietta has a better fast ball than Matusz (by far) and Tillman a better curve (by far). However, none of them have good command. Yet we were sold a bill of goods that Matusz was supposed to have good command of his pitches. To me, what I have seen so far is not only doesn't Matusz have good command his stuff isn't good enough to regularly get major league hitters out unless he does. Arietta has stuff good enough (his fastball especially) to get major league hitters out even if his command is off. Tillman is also struggling with command but needs another pitch and or move movement on his fastball so he is even further behind than Matusz and Arietta.

So this 62% stuff versus 55% is a big waste of effort. That means squat in how these guys are going to turn out. What you see or observe is not going to steer you wrong.

I don't even think you understand what stuff is.

And Tillman doesn't have a better curve than Matusz because no one swings at it and he can't throw it for a strike.

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I'm not playing. You might as well demonstrate your desire to play the clown by telling us again about how Luke Scott is too short to be a power hitter, Pie is an awful defender, and Hayden Penn failed because of his name, because you aren't going to get me to debate with you. Every single person on the board can prove that you're wrong and you won't admit it. There is no point in engaging you. It is a worthless exercise.

Exaggerate much?:scratchchinhmm: That is a statement that cannot be proven, ergo it is total conjecture with zero basis of support or evidence, yet you just stated it as fact. :confused:

Doesn't this go against your entire method of posting with all your so-called analysis that you get extremely irritated if anyone doesn't blindly accept as gospel? How can you state as if it is a fact that "every single person on the board can prove that I am wrong?" Where is the evidence to make such an all-encompassing statement as if it is fact. You are taking your opinion and stating it as if it is true, which is exactly what you are accusing me of doing!!!!

You probably don't even know the names of every single poster on this board. That is a very juvenille and silly statement to make from someone who likes to criticize others so regularly here and act so high and mighty. In fact it is downright pitiful in the inherent weakness of making ludicrous statements that are simply unsubstantiated fodder.


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