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Q & A with MacPhail


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Rios is a FA after 2010 however so we would most likely have to extend him as part of any deal, probably adding 2-3 years or so. As for the Mets getting involved, I don't see how we could take Milledge back if we already have Rios and Pie so it will be interesting to see how this plays out exactly...

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Same goes for Reyes, who came up in somebody's scenario a few pages back

That is not 100% true. They are serious about signing A-Rod, they may give up Reyes to do so. At least that was something talked about on XM a ton within the last couple days. Rumor seems pretty hot in NYC. I am not saying its a definate, but it is a possibility.

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I gotta say this has been a VERY entertaining thread! It started out in pages 1 through 11 or so very informative, although all speculatory. Then we moved onto the fantasy trade ideas from pages 11 to 15 or so. Then the final few pages the humor came out, with each post being funnier than the one before.

A truly fun way to spend the past 30 minutes. Thanks to you all, but especially our insiders! This is gonna be a fun week. That said, I'd say there's a 75% chance that we have a VERY similar team to the 2007 team on the field in 2008, but that is only 25% accurate. :D

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That is not 100% true. They are serious about signing A-Rod, they may give up Reyes to do so. At least that was something talked about on XM a ton within the last couple days. Rumor seems pretty hot in NYC. I am not saying its a definate, but it is a possibility.

Actually the possibility of trading Reyes was talked about before ARod entered the picture. The Mets were apparently quite unhappy with the way he collapsed and appeared to lose focus in the second half this year. There seems to be a sense that there's a disconnect between Willie Randolph and all young players not named David Wright. Reyes could end up taking the fall for that just as Tejada bears the brunt of most of the attitude complaints in Baltimore. People want to think there's one bad seed they can root out. I'm not saying Reyes will get traded but it's definitely not unthinkable anymore. I think it would be a big mistake on the Mets' part (as would signing ARod for the kind of money he wants) but I wouldn't rule it out.

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Actually the possibility of trading Reyes was talked about before ARod entered the picture. The Mets were apparently quite unhappy with the way he collapsed and appeared to lose focus in the second half this year. There seems to be a sense that there's a disconnect between Willie Randolph and all young players not named David Wright. Reyes could end up taking the fall for that just as Tejada bears the brunt of most of the attitude complaints in Baltimore. People want to think there's one bad seed they can root out. I'm not saying Reyes will get traded but it's definitely not unthinkable anymore. I think it would be a big mistake on the Mets' part (as would signing ARod for the kind of money he wants) but I wouldn't rule it out.

The rumors I am hearing is Reyes traded to the Twins for Santana and then signing A-Rod.

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I've read most of this thread, (whew..) but I see posts menting how this week is going to be very busy/fun/entertaining etc... did I miss a post where it conveyed that something might happen this week? AM said nothing is likely to happen until the Winter Meetings... what did I miss?

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We need to be aggressive and make a decision whether to trade Bedard one way or the other, and make it soon, IMO.

An executive familiar with Tampa's thinking said if the offers for Santana grow to a substantial level, then the Rays would test to see what they could get for Scott Kazmir.

The thinking is that because Kazmir is three years from free agency as opposed to one year for Santana, he might bring nearly as much in return.

The Rays need multiple high-end pitchers, and Kazmir, just about to enter arbitration eligibility for the first time, might be too expensive and ready to depart just as Tampa is projecting contention in two to three years.

Source - NY Post, Nov 5
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We need to be aggressive and make a decision whether to trade Bedard one way or the other, and make it soon, IMO. Source - NY Post, Nov 5

I agree. With the free agent market being slim for pitching, trading high-end pitchers seems to be the way teams are looking to retool. Just in the past couple days we've seen Lincecum and now Kazmir thrown out as possible trade bait. It could become a supply/demand issue if we wait too long.

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The things that impressed me most about the Q&A were, the 5 year legacy AM hopes to establish is the excellence in player development, the discussion of all the possible scenarios with PA, and that, to paraphrase from various answers, that you keep your cards close to the vest, so the other teams don't know what your real plans are.

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Honestly, whats everyones view on this Q/A?

To me, it seems like he wants to rebuild but not tell everyone his intentions for loss of value to his current players he is trying to use as trade bait in order to do so.

I feel he has a plan, has talked to PA about what they want to do, knows what he can or can't do so he can act swiftly if something comes up profitable for the Orioles.

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To me, it seems like he wants to rebuild but not tell everyone his intentions for loss of value to his current players he is trying to use as trade bait in order to do so.

I feel he has a plan, has talked to PA about what they want to do, knows what he can or can't do so he can act swiftly if something comes up profitable for the Orioles.

I get the feeling things are going to be looking a lot different in a few months.

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